female genital mutilation Archives - American Atheists https://www.atheists.org/tag/female-genital-mutilation/ Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Fri, 31 Jul 2020 20:07:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 125490277 Atheists: Ban Female Genital Mutilation in Massachusetts https://www.atheists.org/2019/09/female-genital-mutilation-ban-massachusetts/ Thu, 19 Sep 2019 19:55:11 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=27242 Boston, MA—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 1,000 constituents in MA, wrote in support of H3332/S834. This comprehensive bill would protect women and girls in Massachusetts from the harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM consists in ritually cutting or altering the female genitalia for non-medical purposes. Religious communities predominately force this unethical pseudo-treatment upon young females—with non-licensed practitioners performing the work. Despite the religious significance of this tradition, it has no medical necessity or benefit. Instead, FGM frequently results in serious injury and medical complications to the victim. Beyond the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. Massachusetts is one of just 15 states that does not prohibit FGM. In MA alone, nearly 14,221 women and girls are at risk for FGM. “Massachusetts has a duty to protect its residents from these dangerous practices regardless of tradition. This sort of religiously inspired and brutal misogyny has no place in our society,” wrote Alison Gill, American Atheists’ Vice President for Legal and Policy, who submitted the testimony. Read the full testimony here:

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North Carolina Residents, End Female Genital Mutilation https://www.atheists.org/2019/06/female-genital-mutilation-north-carolina/ Tue, 04 Jun 2019 18:41:39 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=11434 The North Carolina Legislature is considering a bill (SB 9) to protect girls and young women in North Carolina from the gruesome and dangerous religious practice known as female genital mutilation (FGM). North Carolina is one of just 19 states that does not prohibit this horrible practice. Fortunately, this bill already passed the North Carolina Senate unanimously, and it is currently being considered by the North Carolina Committee on Health. Please act now—ask the Committee on Health members to vote for passage of SB 9 to prohibit female genital mutilation in North Carolina! FGM is not a medical procedure. It is a ritual performed only in the context of religious or cultural tradition, usually by someone who isn’t a medical professional and often without anesthesia. SB 9 makes FGM against minors in North Carolina a felony and specifies that custom and ritual are not valid defenses. FGM inflicts serious injury onto the victim, who is likely to endure a lifetime of serious medical complications. In addition to the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. North Carolina has a duty to protect its residents from these dangerous practices regardless of tradition. This sort of religiously inspired, brutal misogyny has no place in our society. This bill has come so far—we just need to push the House to take up this bill and ensure that it is passed so that girls and young women in North Carolina are protected from this dangerous practices. Please ask the members of the House Committee on Health to pass this bill today!

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Atheists: Ban Female Genital Mutilation in Utah https://www.atheists.org/2019/03/female-genital-mutilation-utah/ Wed, 06 Mar 2019 19:58:41 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10745 Salt Lake City, UT—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 600 constituents in Utah, wrote in support of HB 430. This comprehensive bill which will protect women and girls in Utah from the harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM consists in ritually cutting or altering the female genitalia for non-medical purposes. Religious communities predominately force this unethical pseudo-treatment upon young females—with non-licensed practitioners performing the work. Despite the religious significance of this tradition, it has no medical necessity or benefit. Instead, FGM frequently results in serious injury and medical complications to the victim. Beyond the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. Utah is one of just 22 states that does not prohibit FGM. In Utah alone, nearly 1,800 women and girls are at risk for FGM. HB 430 establishes that FGM performed upon minors is a third degree felony. It covers not only those who perform FGM but also individuals who facilitate or transport a minor for these purposes. This bill makes four more changes to the law. First, religious beliefs are not acceptable defenses. Second, it considers FGM a form of child abuse. Third, survivors of FGM would have a private right of action. Fourth, the bill establishes discipline for licensed medical practitioners who perform FGM. Finally, it would create educational programs to help raise awareness of the harms of FGM. “Utah has a duty to protect its residents from these dangerous practices regardless of tradition. This sort of religiously inspired and brutal misogyny has no place in our society,” wrote Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy.

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Strengthen Female Genital Mutilation Ban in Tennessee https://www.atheists.org/2019/03/female-genital-mutilation-tennessee/ Tue, 05 Mar 2019 20:13:06 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10753 Nashville, TN—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 800 constituents in Tennessee, wrote in support of SB 1166. This comprehensive bill will better protect women and girls in Tennessee from the harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM consists in ritually cutting or altering the female genitalia for non-medical purposes. Religious communities predominately force this unethical pseudo-treatment upon young females—with non-licensed practitioners performing the work. Despite the religious significance of this tradition, it has no medical necessity or benefit. Instead, FGM frequently results in serious injury and medical complications to the victim. Beyond the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. Although Tennessee is already one of the 28 states that prohibits this dangerous practice, SB 1166 will increase the scope of protection for women and girls in the state significantly. SB 1166 makes five changes. First, religion will no longer be an acceptable excuse. Second, the bill clarifies the definition of FGM. Third, the ban will not only apply to those who perform FGM. It also covers individuals who facilitate or transport a minor with the purpose of undergoing FGM. Fourth, the bill establishes a private right of action for survivors of FGM including damages, attorney fees, legal cost, and the civil forfeiture of property and money. Finally, SB 1166 establishes discipline for licensed medical practitioners who perform FGM. “We applaud Tennessee’s efforts to address FGM,” wrote Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy.

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Atheists: End Female Genital Mutilation in Arkansas https://www.atheists.org/2019/02/female-genital-mutilation-arkansas/ Tue, 26 Feb 2019 20:57:22 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10584 Little Rock, AR—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its constituents in Arkansas, wrote in support of SB 318. This comprehensive bill which will protect women and girls in Arkansas from the harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). Arkansas is one of just 22 states that does not prohibit FGM. FGM is the ritual cutting or alteration of female genitalia for non-medical purposes. It is predominately forced upon young females and performed by non-licensed practitioners. SB 318 establishes that FGM performed upon minors is a class C felony allowing the prosecution of practitioners and prohibits transportation for a minor for this purpose. This bill makes five more changes to the law. First, religious beliefs are not appropriate defenses. Second, survivors of FGM would have a private right of action. Third, child abuse reporters must also report FGM of a minor. Fourth, the bill establishes discipline for licensed medical practitioners who perform FGM. Fifth, it would create educational programs to help raise awareness of the harms of FGM.

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Atheists: Washington State’s Proposed FGM Ban Too Weak https://www.atheists.org/2019/02/washington-state-female-genital-mutilation-ban/ Mon, 04 Feb 2019 21:43:28 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10123 Olympia, WA—Last week, American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 1,500 constituents in Washington State, wrote to provide testimony regarding SB 5257. This bill is supposed to protect women and girls from harmful female genital mutilation (FGM) by prohibiting licensed health professionals to engage in such practices. However, the current bill fails to adequately protect women and girls from FGM in Washington, one of just 22 states that does not prohibit FGM. Specifically, SB 5257 fails to address the primary perpetrators of FGM: unlicensed practitioners. Therefore, American Atheists recommends three changes. First, this bill should recognize FGM as a felony for providers, caretakers, and others who facilitate these practices. Second, it should prohibit the transportation of minors for FGM. The bill should clarify that cultural or religious preferences are not an affirmative defense. In addition, American Atheists recommends legislation to create education and outreach programs relating to FGM and establish a private right of action for survivors of FGM. Our full comments can be found below.

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Atheists: Ban Female Genital Mutilation in Hawaii https://www.atheists.org/2019/01/female-genital-mutilation-ban-hawaii-hb-132/ Tue, 29 Jan 2019 19:13:47 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10029 Honolulu, HI—American Atheists, on behalf of its constituents in Hawaii, provided testimony supporting HB 132. This bill would prohibit female genital mutilation in HI. Hawaii is one of just 23 states that does not forbid female genital mutilation. FGM usually involves forcing women to undergo ritual cutting by non-licensed practitioners. HB 132 would put an end to this immoral practice. The bill not only establishes a program to raise awareness about the dangers of FGM, it makes FGM a Class B felony. The bill would also clarify that tradition and consent, whether by a minor or parent, are not appropriate defenses. In addition, the bill prohibits the transportation of minors for the purpose of undergoing FGM. Finally, the bill exempts the legitimate practice of medicine by licensed physicians. Read the full comments below.

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Atheists: VA Public Schools Must Warn about Female Genital Mutilation https://www.atheists.org/2019/01/virginia-female-genital-mutilation-public-schools/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 17:34:22 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=9966 Richmond, VA—American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 1,500 constituents in Virginia, wrote to provide testimony in support of SB 1159, a bill which requires public secondary schools to include information in their family life curriculum regarding the harmful physical and emotional effects of female genital mutilation (FGM). Read the full testimony below.

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ACTION ALERT: Protect Young Women from Disfiguring Religious Practices https://www.atheists.org/2018/12/female-genital-mutilation-ohio-sb-214-2/ Wed, 19 Dec 2018 17:49:51 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=9647 The Ohio Legislature is considering a bill to protect girls and young women in Ohio from the gruesome and dangerous practice known as female genital mutilation (FGM). Please tell your state senator to support this crucial bill! Ohio is one of just 23 states that does not prohibit this horrible practice, performed without anesthesia, all in the name of religious or cultural tradition. Fortunately, this bill has already passed the Ohio Senate unanimously. However, there was a minor amendment when SB 214 passed in the House, so it just needs one final vote in the Senate to pass into law. Please act now—ask your state senator to vote for passage of SB 214 to prohibit female genital mutilation in Ohio! SB 214 makes FGM against minors in Ohio a felony and provides for a significant fine. FGM is not a medical procedure. It is a ritual performed only in the context of religious or cultural tradition, usually by someone who isn’t a medical professional and usually without anesthesia. FGM inflicts serious injury on the victim, who is likely to endure a lifetime of medical complications. In addition to the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. Ohio has a duty to protect its residents from these dangerous practices, regardless of tradition. This sort of religiously inspired, brutal misogyny has no place in our society. We just need one final push to ensure that this bill is passed so that girls and young women in Ohio are protected. There are only a few days left in the legislative calendar, so please ask your senator to pass this bill into law today!

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American Atheists Speaks out against Female Genital Mutilation in Ohio https://www.atheists.org/2018/12/female-genital-mutilation-ohio-sb-214/ Thu, 13 Dec 2018 20:31:08 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=9598 Columbus, OH—American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 1,200 constituents in Ohio, provided testimony supporting SB 214, a bill that would protect women and girls in Ohio from harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM consists in ritually cutting or altering the female genitalia for non-medical purposes. Religious communities predominately force this unethical pseudo-treatment upon young females—with non-licensed practitioners performing the work. Despite the religious significance of this tradition, it has no medical necessity or benefit. Instead, FGM frequently results in serious injury and medical complications to the victim. Beyond the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. “As advocates for the health, safety, and well-being of all Americans, American Atheists objects to efforts to subordinate medical care to the religious beliefs of others,” wrote Alison Gill, the organization’s Vice President for Law and Policy. Ohio is one of just 23 states that does not prohibit these dangerous traditions. “Ohio has a duty to protect its residents from these dangerous practices regardless of tradition. This sort of religiously inspired and brutal misogyny has no place in our society,” added Gill. SB 214 makes FGM against minors in Ohio punishable with a second degree felony and a significant fine. In addition, this bill invalidates consent by the minor or the parent, prohibits the transportation of minors for the purpose of undergoing FGM, and exempts the legitimate practice of medicine by licensed physicians.

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