Connecticut Archives - American Atheists Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Fri, 30 Apr 2021 16:13:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 125490277 Connecticut Eliminates Dangerous Religious Exemptions to School Vaccination Requirements Wed, 28 Apr 2021 21:23:27 +0000 Hartford, CT—Today the religious equality watchdog American Atheists praised Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont for signing into law HB 6423, a bill that eliminates any religious exemptions from mandatory school vaccinations. With the passage of this bill, Connecticut joins other nearby states such as New York and Maine, which have already eliminated nonmedical exemptions to vaccination requirements. “Eliminating religious exemptions ensures that all people—whether religious or nonreligious—receive equal treatment under the law, a foundational principle of our democracy,” said Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy, who submitted testimony on the bill. “This is a resounding victory for religious equality.” “No one’s religious beliefs should let them expose others—especially immunocompromised children—to deadly diseases,” she added. “Studies have shown that these types of nonmedical exemptions can cause or amplify outbreaks of preventable disease.” As the U.S. Supreme Court has made clear, nonmedical exemptions to vaccination are not required under the Constitution. In Prince v. Massachusetts (1944), the Court said that “[t]he right to practice religion freely does not include liberty to expose the community or child communicable disease, or the latter to ill health or death…. Parents may be free to become martyrs themselves. But it does not follow they are free, in identical circumstances, to make martyrs of their children before they reached the age of full and legal discretion when they can make that choice for themselves.” American Atheists’ Connecticut State Director Dennis Paul Himes said, “I applaud Governor Lamont and the General Assembly for recognizing that religious exceptionalism has no place in our state. The health and safety of our children should be our first priority, and thanks to their action in passing and signing this bill, it now is.” “Governor Lamont and the Connecticut legislature showed what’s possible when policymakers put the health and safety of their community first,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “Now it’s time for more states to follow Connecticut’s example and eliminate these dangerous exemptions that put children at risk, especially those who can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons. We’re going to keep working to end these exemptions in more states across the country.”

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Connecticut Residents: Eliminate Dangerous Religious Exemptions to Vaccination Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:00:00 +0000 Under current law, Connecticut allows children to attend school and daycare without receiving legally required vaccination if their parents have a religious objection. Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen measles outbreaks across the nation, and too often these types of religious exemptions to vaccination are the cause. Fortunately, the Connecticut legislature is considering a bill (HB 6423) to address this issue and eliminate the religious exemption loopholes that endanger children. Please take action today—tell your Connecticut senator to protect all children from preventable infectious disease! This bill has already passed the Connecticut House and committee in the Senate. It just needs a final vote in the Senate to move forward and become law. Then Connecticut can join states like New York and Maine, which repealed dangerous religious exemptions to vaccination in recent years. However, Connecticut lawmakers are hearing a lot from the other side—those who would refuse vaccination even if it means putting other children at risk. Connecticut lawmakers need to hear from you—please tell your state senator to support this life-saving bill! Together, we can pass these vital protections into law. Image by Heather Hazzan under CC BY 2.0

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Support Death with Dignity in Connecticut Fri, 26 Feb 2021 13:28:34 +0000 The Connecticut Joint Public Health Committee is currently considering HB 6425, an important bill that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying. This measure would create a patient-driven system that honors the values and beliefs of the individual. By passing this legislation, Connecticut would join the 8 states that already offer these end-of-life options, allowing terminally ill people to die in the comfort of their homes without receiving unwanted medical care. However, religious groups, including the Catholic Church, vigorously oppose this common-sense legislation. Please tell Connecticut lawmakers to stand strong and to pass this bill! Although approximately 80% of Americans desire to pass away in the comfort of their own home, less than 20% actually do so. Instead of passing in the manner of their choosing, they are forced to receive unwanted and wasteful medical treatment. This important legislation will allow terminally ill people in Connecticut to die with dignity, in peace. Please take action by contacting the committee members today!

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Bethel, CT’s New Holiday Display Policy is a “Victory for Religious Equality” Thu, 22 Aug 2019 15:42:03 +0000 Cranford, NJ—Today, American Atheists praised Bethel, Connecticut’s decision to implement a fair lottery for all holiday displays. On Tuesday evening, the Board of Selectmen approved a policy to allow religious displays on public property. If too many people apply, displays would be randomly drawn for inclusion on P.T. Barnum Square. “This is a victory for religious equality. We commend the Board of Selectmen for adopting a policy that ensures all Bethel residents can fully enjoy their First Amendment rights,” said Geoffrey Blackwell, American Atheists’ litigation counsel, who wrote letters to the Board last year to demand a winter display policy free from discrimination. Tuesday’s decision comes after American Atheists opposed a July proposal that would have grandfathered in a Nativity scene and an atheist banner but forced any new displays, such as a menorah, to enter into a lottery. The rules adopted Tuesday, however, treat every applicant equally by requiring that all displays enter the lottery if there isn’t enough space to accommodate each one. “Nothing is more important to us than protecting religious equality under the law for everyone,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “No American—whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Satanist, or atheist—should want the government picking which religious views get special treatment.” “I hope Bethel residents of all faiths, and none, apply for space to put up holiday displays this year. People will see the community’s diversity on full display in the town square. And you can’t get any more American than that,” added Fish.

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Support Death with Dignity in Connecticut Mon, 18 Mar 2019 18:21:47 +0000 The Connecticut Joint Public Health Committee is currently considering HB 5898, an important bill that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying. This measure would create a patient-driven system that honors the values and beliefs of the individual. By passing this legislation, Connecticut would join the 8 states that already offer these end-of-life options, allowing terminally ill people to die in the comfort of their homes without receiving unwanted medical care. However, religious groups, including the Catholic Church, vigorously oppose this common-sense legislation. Please help us tell Connecticut lawmakers to stand strong and to pass this bill! Although approximately 80% of Americans desire to pass away in the comfort of their own home, less than 20% actually do so. We need your help to pass this important legislation to allow terminally ill people in Connecticut to die with dignity, in peace. Please take action by emailing these committee members now.

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