Florida Archives - American Atheists https://www.atheists.org/tag/florida/ Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 20 Apr 2021 16:41:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 125490277 Oppose Christian Nationalist Curriculum in Florida Public Schools! https://www.atheists.org/2021/04/christian-nationalist-curriculum-florida-public-schools-action-alert/ Tue, 20 Apr 2021 16:36:04 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=28867 The Florida Department of Education is moving forward with new curriculum standards that would indoctrinate students with a false Christian nationalist version of history. But it is not too late to oppose these new standards — please take action today! The proposed education standards include: SS.7.C.1.12, which would require 7th graders to “recognize how Judeo-Christian values influenced America’s founding ideals and documents.” Students would be required to learn about the Ten Commandments, ‘the Protestant work ethic,’ and various supposedly ‘Judeo-Christian’ values. SS.912.C.1.5, which would require 9th graders to “analyze the influence of Judeo-Christian values on America’s founding ideals and documents.” Specifically, students would be taught that core principles of American governance, such as limited government and separation of powers are actually ‘Judeo-Christian’ values. This religious propaganda has no place in Florida’s public schools. Tell the Department of Education to remove these sections from the proposed curriculum standards! This insertion of religious ideology into public schools is part of an effort by Christian nationalists to rewrite American history so that it favors their agenda. These standards aim to undermine the separation of religion and government and spread a false narrative that America was founded as a Christian nation. Together, however, we can tell the Florida Department of Education that this is not acceptable. We need to send as many letters opposing these curriculum changes as possible to the Department by April 23rd. Please take action today and send this to everyone you know!

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Atheist: Florida’s “Moment of Silence” Bill Encourages Teachers to Proselytize https://www.atheists.org/2020/01/florida-moment-of-silence-bill/ Mon, 27 Jan 2020 21:00:48 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=24238 Tallahassee, FL—Today, American Atheists’ Florida Assistant State Director Devon Graham testified in opposition to S946, a bill that would force public school teachers to lead students in a moment of silence at the start of every school day. “It is difficult for me to reconcile how this time of meditation can be perceived of as anything but religious in nature when it explicitly amends a statute entitled, ‘Permitting study of the Bible and religion’ (Section 1003.45),” said Graham to the Senate Education Committee. “As a mother of two children enrolled in Florida’s public schools, I am concerned that a moment of silence law would encourage educators to engage in improper proselytization,” said Graham. “There are no guidelines whatsoever for teachers on how to discuss the moment of silence in a way that does not promote religious practice.” “Children who choose not to participate or outwardly object to unnecessary evangelization could be subjected to bullying,” she added. “We all want what’s best for our kids, and this isn’t it.” Watch Devon Graham’s testimony here (at 1:27:13) and read her submitted testimony below.

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American Atheists’ Holiday Banner Adds Diversity to Florida State Capitol https://www.atheists.org/2019/12/atheist-display-florida-capitol/ Fri, 13 Dec 2019 18:48:22 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=21691 Tallahassee, FL—Today, American Atheists installed its holiday banner at the Florida Capitol. This is the first time that the atheist organization has hosted such a display in the rotunda. “The purpose of this banner is to share a positive holiday message with all Floridians, faithful and faithless alike,” said Devon Graham, American Atheists’ Assistant State Director, who petitioned to have the banner displayed. The display depicts a snowy background with the phrase, “This season, no matter what you celebrate or why, Happy Holidays!  —Your atheist neighbors.” “About a quarter of all Florida residents do not identify with any faith tradition whatsoever and many holiday displays neglect this substantial segment of the population,” said Graham, who also serves as the Vice President for the Humanists of Tallahassee (HOT), a newly formed group in the region. “This is the time of year when people gather with their family and friends to celebrate the season. We hope that by having an all-encompassing holiday message everyone feels included in the festivities,” she added. American Atheists’ banner will remain on display on the House side of the Rotunda until December 20.

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American Atheists Sponsors FREEFLO 2019 https://www.atheists.org/2019/10/florida-freethought-2019/ Wed, 02 Oct 2019 19:32:55 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=17253 On the weekend of November 1 – 3, join hundreds of atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers and scientific skeptics at FREEFLO 2019 in Orlando. American Atheists is proud to sponsor this three-day event full of informative lectures, workshops, networking opportunities, and exhibitors. Find out more and register to attend. Confirmed speakers include our Vice President for Programs Debbie Goddard; Board Members Seth Andrews, Matt Dillahunty, and Aron Ra; and many more! You won’t want to miss out on their talks or any of the events, workshops, and performances FREEFLO 2019 has in store for you. Register today!

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Florida Residents: Oppose Bible Classes in Public High Schools https://www.atheists.org/2019/03/bible-literacy-classes-florida/ Wed, 13 Mar 2019 15:46:22 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10659 Christian nationalists throughout the country are trying to insert religious ideology into the public education system. And they have their eyes locked on Florida! At this very moment, the Florida State House is considering H195, a bill that mandates that public schools provide elective Christian Bible courses. But their real goal is to indoctrinate children. More often than not, these classes end up resembling Sunday school rather than public school because schools fail to meet the constitutional requirement to teach about the Bible in a secular way. We need your help to oppose these bills: Tell the House Education Committee to vote NO on H195! Bills like this are being promoted across the country by Project Blitz, a multistate campaign by Christian nationalists to attack the separation of religion and government, LGBTQ equality, and access to reproductive services. H195 is exclusionary and unfair, wastes scarce educational resources, and does not protect students from religious proselytization. Please act now. Urge the House Education Committee to vote NO on H195, and help us prevent Florida from mandating Bible courses in public schools!

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