Arkansas Archives - American Atheists Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Sun, 13 Jun 2021 22:36:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 125490277 Arkansas Creationism Bill Defeated in Tight Vote Thu, 22 Apr 2021 20:21:45 +0000 Little Rock, Arkansas—Today, the church/state separation watchdog American Atheists praised the lawmakers on the Arkansas Senate Education Committee who rejected the controversial creationism bill (HB 1701) in a 3-3 vote yesterday evening. The Arkansas House had passed this unconstitutional bill on April 7, drawing national criticism and condemnation. Both Arkansas Department of Education Assistant Commissioner Stacy Smith and Senator Linda Chesterfield noted the impossibility of teaching a single creationist myth that isn’t based on a particular religious tradition. “There’s lots of creation theories out there [according to] different religions,” said Smith. Senator Chesterfield noted problems arising from Buddhist, Muslim, or Hindu public school instructors teaching their own creationist myths to Christian children. “This is a victory for religious freedom and for students and teachers of all faiths—including Christianity—as well as atheists and nonreligious people,” said Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy at American Atheists, who submitted testimony. “As the Christian resident who testified put it, Arkansas should not be ‘turning religion into science.’” Representative Mary Bentley, the bill’s sponsor, admitted the proselytizing nature of the bill during her comments. “We see that the heavens declare the glory of God,” she said, citing Psalms 19:1. Failing to name any contemporary scientists who advocate creationism, she cited theist Sir Isaac Newton, “who started the scientific revolution back quite a few centuries back [sic].” “When you have to go all the way back to the 17th century to justify your creationism bill, you know your argument is doomed,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “Thankfully, Arkansas schools’ science programs will remain in the 21st century.” “By rejecting this creationism bill, Arkansas will be spared unnecessary lawsuits that would drain needed resources from an educational system already ranked near the bottom by measures of student attainment. Lawmakers did the right thing. This bill was unconstitutional through-and-through,” said Gill. HB 1701 is not the first attempt to legislate creationism in Arkansas. In McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education (1982), a federal court struck down Arkansas Act 590 of 1981, an infamous creationism law. “Since creation science is not science, the conclusion is inescapable that the only real effect of Act 590 is the advancement of religion,” Judge Overton wrote in the decision. “Arkansas already had a creationism bill, and we made national news, and it was not good national news,” Senator Chesterfield reminded her colleagues during the hearing. “Hopefully, this is the last time we hear about an unconstitutional creationism bill coming out of Little Rock,” said Fish. “Arkansas lawmakers need to find ways to improve public education, not impose their religion on it.”

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Oppose Teaching Creationism in Arkansas Schools Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:37:47 +0000 Arkansas lawmakers are considering an unconstitutional bill (HB 1701) that would allow creationism to be taught in place of science in Arkansas public schools. This reckless legislation has already passed the Arkansas House and has moved to the Senate Education Committee—we need your help to stop it! Government-sponsored religious teaching has no place in our public school classrooms. This bill would not only deprive students of adequate education in the science of evolution, a fundamental concept in biology, it would undermine religious freedom for students and teachers in Arkansas. Arkansans, join this important effort to stop the promotion of religion in Arkansas schools! Please reach out to the Education Committee and ask them to reject HB 1701! The US Supreme Court has struck down laws that allow the teaching of creationism in public schools multiple times because they lack any legitimate secular purpose. In fact, similar laws have been struck down in Arkansas at least twice! Still, Arkansas lawmakers insist on repeating their mistakes, at the expense of public schools students and taxpayers. In an unbiased court system, there is no way HB 1701 would withstand court scrutiny. But given the ideological packing of the courts, especially in Arkansas, who knows? It is much better to stop this harmful bill now! HB 1701 would needlessly waste education resources, put school districts at risk, undermine science education, and subject Arkansas students to religious coercion. Arkansans, please take action today to stop this terrible legislation! Contact the Senate Education Committee and urge them to reject this bill.

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Arkansans: Please Help Stop Dangerous Religious Exemptions in Health Care! Mon, 22 Feb 2021 16:56:14 +0000 The Arkansas House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee is considering a bill (SB 289) that creates dangerously broad religious exemptions for health care providers, institutions, and payers (insurance and employers), allowing them to deny care based on their beliefs. This bill opens the door to widespread denial of care and discrimination. We need your help to stop it now! This bill already passed the Arkansas State Senate, so we must stop it in the House. Please email the committee members and ask them to OPPOSE SB 289! This dangerous bill will allow health care providers, hospitals, insurers, and even employers to deny needed services, risking the health and safety of all patients in Arkansas. ”’ Should your boss’s religious beliefs dictate what health care your family can or cannot receive? We say no! SB 289 will have unpredictable and far-reaching negative consequences, affecting health care such as contraception, end-of-life care, vaccination, pregnancy & reproductive services, counseling & behavioral health, fertility treatment, PrEP & HIV treatment, and many others. This is especially devastating to women, older Americans, LGBTQ people, people living with HIV, people with disabilities, and those living in rural areas. Please act now — ask Arkansas lawmakers not to put the personal beliefs of hospitals and employers above patients’ health and safety!

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Arkansas Legislature Passes Church Superspreader Bill, Allows People to “Kill Themselves” and the Community with COVID-19 Wed, 03 Feb 2021 21:29:11 +0000 Little Rock, Arkansas—Today, the public policy watchdog American Atheists condemned passage of Arkansas’s church superspreader bill (HB 1211) in the Senate (31-0 with 4 present). This bill passed the Arkansas House of Representatives on January 28 and the Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, chaired by noted Christian nationalist Jason Rapert, yesterday. It will now go to the governor’s desk. During the floor vote, Rapert read the title of American Atheists’ press release from yesterday—“Christian Nationalist Jason Rapert Fast Tracks Arkansas’s Church Superspreader Bill, Disregards COVID-19 Infections and Deaths”. Nonetheless, he failed to consider its contents—that HB 1211 will increase the likelihood that churches will become deadly COVID-19 hotspots. State Senator Linda Chesterfield admitted as much when she said, “I’m going to vote for the bill…people have the right to decide whether or not they want to kill themselves.” “It’s not just about the people who choose to go to church. Their choices put the lives of everyone in the community in danger,” said Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy at American Atheists. A 2020 CDC report found that a rural Arkansas church’s superspreader events transmitted the virus to people outside of the church, leading to at least 26 additional confirmed COVID-19 cases, which included a hospitalization and death. “Today, lawmakers showed they care more about pandering to fringe church leaders than protecting all Arkansans,” said Gill. “During the hearing, Senator Hammer, one of the bill’s sponsors, admitted he closed down his church for two months due to COVID-19—yet wants to let other churches stay open and become COVID-19 hotspots. This is irresponsible and deadly.” Last week, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences warned about a spike in coronavirus deaths in the coming weeks. “Arkansas’s church superspreader bill will only aggravate Arkansas’s coming wave of coronavirus infections and deaths,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “When Arkansans ask who’s to blame, they need only look to their legislators.”

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Arkansas’s Church Superspreader Bill Passes House, Limits Ability to Stop Wave of COVID-19 Infections and Deaths Thu, 28 Jan 2021 23:41:58 +0000 Little Rock, Arkansas—Today, the public policy watchdog American Atheists expressed grave concern about Arkansas’s church superspreader bill (HB 1211), which passed the Arkansas House 75–10 this afternoon. The bill permits houses of worship to ignore reasonable public health restrictions, increasing the likelihood that they will become COVID-19 superspreader sites. “We are still months away from widespread vaccination yet lawmakers are giving churches special privileges to stay open and spread COVID-19. People will die as a result of this legislation,” warned Alison Gill, Vice President of Legal and Policy at American Atheists. “Church leaders and lawmakers are telling the world that people’s lives are less important than congregating without restrictions. It’s disgusting.” In 2020, an Arkansas church became the focus of a CDC report connecting high transmission rates of coronavirus to church events. Two symptomatic people attended church events and later tested positive for COVID-19. At least 35 of 92 attendees acquired COVID-19, and three people died as a result. The CDC detailed how the church’s attendees transmitted the virus to the broader community. “At least 26 additional confirmed COVID-19 cases were identified among community members who, during contact tracing, reported contact with one or more of the 35 [Arkansas] church members with COVID-19 as an exposure. These persons likely were infected by church attendees. Among these 26 persons, one was hospitalized and subsequently died,” found the report. “Certain church leaders are having their congregations ignore social distancing, go maskless, and sing next to one another. It needlessly spreads disease,” added Gill. “Arkansas lawmakers should be working to ensure that public health restrictions are fair and effective, not adding blanket exemptions for religious groups that put entire communities—and not just churchgoers—at risk. This is selfish and deadly.” Jerry Cox, president of Family Council, a Christian extremist organization, released a statement, saying, “H.B. 1211 protects houses of worship from being singled out…” Yet even Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life and pastor of the sixth largest megachurch in the country, has publicly affirmed that “[churches] are not being discriminated against. This is a safety issue.” “Some religious groups are metaphorically lighting themselves on fire in order to feel persecuted, insisting that the common-sense safety measures in response to a global pandemic are really a plot to stifle religious expression,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “Arkansas lawmakers should promote science-based public health measures, not conspiracy theories.”

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American Atheists Edges Closer to Victory in Lawsuit Against Christian Nationalist Arkansas State Senator Jason Rapert Tue, 15 Dec 2020 21:17:43 +0000 Little Rock, AR—December 15, 2020—Today, the civil rights organization American Atheists celebrated a victory in its lawsuit for free speech and religious equality against Arkansas State Senator Stanley Jason Rapert. Judge Kristine G. Baker of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas denied Rapert’s supplemental motion to dismiss the lawsuit against him in his individual capacity. Judge Baker agreed with American Atheists on each and every argument Rapert raised in his motion. She ruled that two of American Atheists’ four plaintiffs are not barred by Arkansas’ three-year statute of limitations, since they “allege that State Senator Rapert continues to violate their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.” Similarly, Judge Baker determined that American Atheists can sue on behalf of members who are not named as plaintiffs in the case. Finally, she ruled that American Atheists had properly notified Rapert that he was being sued in both his individual and official capacities. “Jason Rapert’s legal arguments never held water, and now the court has told him so. Our clients are already preparing for their day in court, and I expect the court to ultimately grant us the injunction we are seeking. Rapert will have to respect the First Amendment rights of his constituents and of all Arkansans,” said Geoffrey Blackwell, Litigation Counsel at American Atheists. In 2018, American Atheists filed the lawsuit on behalf of its members in Arkansas, including four individual plaintiffs, whom Sen. Rapert unconstitutionally blocked from his official Facebook and Twitter accounts after they criticized his positions on several issues, including abortion and government endorsements of Christianity. American Atheists’ complaint also alleges that Rapert blocked the plaintiffs due to their atheism. In November of this year, Sen. Rapert introduced an outright abortion ban without exceptions for rape and incest, which he described as “the trigger” to overturn Roe v. Wade. In a tweet from 2014, Cathey Shoshone, one of the plaintiffs, suggested that Rapert support easy access to birth control: “That’s how you s[l]ow down abortion. How do you not see that?” Robert Barringer, another named plaintiff, was blocked by Rapert after pointing out that the Bible contains instructions for causing abortions in Numbers, a passage often referred to as the “Test for an Unfaithful Wife.” Last year, Jason Rapert announced plans to run for lieutenant governor in 2022. Also last year, Judge Baker noted in a previous decision that American Atheists has a “fair chance of prevailing” in the current lawsuit. “If Sen. Rapert becomes lieutenant governor, our victory in this case would follow him. He’d be accountable to the entire state of Arkansas and be under even more intense scrutiny,” said Blackwell. “As lieutenant governor, Rapert must represent all Arkansans—not just extremists who share his Christian nationalist worldview,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “This case is a loud signal to theocratic, totalitarian officials: You don’t have the right to shut down debate and target people for their religion or lack thereof, period.” American Atheists thanks Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C. for serving as local counsel in this matter.

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Federal Judge: Atheist Free Speech Lawsuit Has A “Fair Chance of Prevailing,” Can Move Ahead Mon, 30 Sep 2019 21:53:41 +0000 Little Rock, AR—An Arkansas federal judge ruled today that American Atheists’ lawsuit against Arkansas State Senator Jason Rapert has a “fair chance of prevailing” and allowed it to move forward. Judge Kristine G. Baker of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas denied Jason Rapert’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit against him.  “Rapert has repeatedly called our lawsuit against him ‘frivolous.’ Today’s decision should put an end to that ridiculous claim,” said Geoffrey Blackwell, Litigation Counsel at American Atheists. “The Arkansans Rapert has blocked will get their day in court, and we have every confidence we’ll prevail.” American Atheists filed the lawsuit on behalf of its members in Arkansas, including four individual plaintiffs, whom Rapert unconstitutionally blocked from his official Facebook and Twitter accounts after they criticized his positions on several issues. The complaint also alleges that Rapert blocked the plaintiffs due to their atheism. In the same order in which she rejected Rapert’s motion to dismiss, Judge Baker also denied American Atheists’ motion for a preliminary injunction, which would have forced the Arkansas state senator to “un-block” the individual plaintiffs while the lawsuit moves forward.  Judge Baker determined that American Atheists and the four individual plaintiffs had a “fair chance of prevailing” on their claim that Rapert violated the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. Nonetheless, Judge Baker concluded that imposing a preliminary injunction would be inappropriate in part because the individual plaintiffs did not act swiftly enough to challenge the violation of their rights. “Judge Baker’s decision underscores the importance of taking immediate action when government officials block you on social media,” said Blackwell. “Hopefully, Senator Rapert sees the writing on the wall and chooses to stop censoring people who disagree with him. But I’m not holding my breath.” “Sen. Rapert has an uncanny way of crying persecution even as he tramples on atheists’ rights,” said Nick Fish, President of American Atheists. “He can’t claim to care about the concerns of his constituents while turning the public forums he set up to hear those concerns into his very own ‘safe space.’” Judge Baker’s decision today ruled out the possibility of punitive damages against Rapert. Judge Baker concluded that, because the law on free speech in the realm of social media is developing and unsettled, Rapert is entitled to qualified immunity for claims of monetary damages.

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Atheists: End Female Genital Mutilation in Arkansas Tue, 26 Feb 2019 20:57:22 +0000 Little Rock, AR—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its constituents in Arkansas, wrote in support of SB 318. This comprehensive bill which will protect women and girls in Arkansas from the harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). Arkansas is one of just 22 states that does not prohibit FGM. FGM is the ritual cutting or alteration of female genitalia for non-medical purposes. It is predominately forced upon young females and performed by non-licensed practitioners. SB 318 establishes that FGM performed upon minors is a class C felony allowing the prosecution of practitioners and prohibits transportation for a minor for this purpose. This bill makes five more changes to the law. First, religious beliefs are not appropriate defenses. Second, survivors of FGM would have a private right of action. Third, child abuse reporters must also report FGM of a minor. Fourth, the bill establishes discipline for licensed medical practitioners who perform FGM. Fifth, it would create educational programs to help raise awareness of the harms of FGM.

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Atheists: State Sen. Rapert “Incompetent or Intentionally Misleading the Court” Thu, 31 Jan 2019 16:16:39 +0000 Little Rock, AR—This week, American Atheists filed two documents in its federal lawsuit against Arkansas state Senator Jason Rapert. The lawsuit alleges that Rapert’s habit of blocking atheist constituents on social media violates their First Amendment rights. In public statements and filings in the court, Rapert has repeatedly claimed that his social media accounts are private, not official, and therefore he can manage them as he sees fit. “Countless pieces of evidence disprove Rapert’s claim,” said Litigation Counsel Geoffrey Blackwell. “If he believes his accounts are personal, he must be defining the words ‘official’ and ‘personal’ in a manner with which I am unfamiliar.” Blackwell points to countless examples of Rapert using his “Sen. Jason Rapert” Facebook page, one of the social media platforms at issue in this litigation, as a public forum to discuss important policy matters with his constituents and seek their input. Until January 4, 2019, the “Sen. Jason Rapert” page even said, “This page is for communication with constituents and citizens.” Rapert also uses the @JasonRapert Twitter account to communicate with his constituents. He has sought feedback from them on potential bills, tweeting that “constituents asked me & I asked constituents.” He has also affirmed that “responding to constituents is a part of the job description.” In addition, Rapert has streamed at least 29 videos from Arkansas State Capitol facilities to which he has special access due to his elected position. This includes at least 28 videos from his own Senate office and at least one video from the Arkansas Governor’s Office during a bill signing. “Like digital town hall meetings, these accounts serve as instruments of his Arkansas Senate office,” Blackwell continued. “On both Facebook and Twitter, Rapert performs duties intrinsic to his role as a state legislator. By shutting out his atheist constituents, he is preventing them from engaging in forums for discussion and debate, from being active citizens.” “Rapert is either incredibly incompetent or intentionally misleading the court when he claims he’s using social media for personal use only,” said American Atheists President Nick Fish. “Anyone who spends more than 30 seconds on Rapert’s social media accounts can see that he uses them for official purposes.”

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Atheists Donate National Motto Displays to Arkansas Schools Thu, 23 Aug 2018 15:17:03 +0000 Bentonville, AR—In response to a 2017 law that requires Arkansas school districts to post in all classrooms donated signs or displays that show the national motto, American Atheists Monday announced a donation of nearly 1,000 posters to the Bentonville School District. The posters donated by American Atheists include both the current national motto, “In God We Trust,” and the original de facto motto of the United States, “E Pluribus Unum,” accompanied by a brief explanation of the changes made to the national motto in 1956. The displays also include a representation of the American flag, the Arkansas state flag, and a link to an instructional webpage that provides additional historical context and information about the national motto: “We’re pleased to donate these displays that present the full truth and historical context of our national motto,” said Nick Fish, American Atheists’ national program director. “Proponents of Act 911, including Bentonville’s State Representative Jim Dotson, claim that mandating these displays is about acknowledging our nation’s ‘history and heritage’ in classrooms. But we think students deserve all the facts, not just a poster of an exclusionary and divisive motto devoid of any additional context or information.” Fish, joined by representatives of the local atheist community, attended the August 20 Bentonville School Board meeting to present the donation. American Atheists has delivered a letter to the district requesting logistical information to complete the donation. “It’s interesting to note the displays donated by Rep. Dotson don’t actually conform to the law he himself introduced. We look forward to seeing our displays, which do conform to the law, hanging in every classroom in Bentonville,” added Fish. “As Dotson pointed out at the February 19 meeting he attended to make his donation, the school district is required under the law to display the posters that have been donated.” In 2018, more than 70 bills, many of them similar to Act 911, were introduced nationwide as part of “Project Blitz,” a nationwide campaign by Christian Nationalist groups to reshape state and federal laws by using a distorted interpretation of “religious freedom.” The proponents of these bills hope to roll back civil rights protections and inject the false idea that America was founded as a Christian nation into our public schools. “This concerted effort to use religion as a weapon against atheists, religious minorities, LGBTQ people, and women is dangerous and un-American,” said Alison Gill, legal and policy director of American Atheists. “This legislation being pushed by Christian Nationalists undermines religious freedom by instilling into the law only one religious viewpoint, theirs, while attacking the separation of religion and government which is the bedrock of our tradition of religious liberty. They admit to starting with ‘low hanging fruit’ like these national motto displays and building momentum to use religion as an excuse to allow discrimination in public accommodations, adoption services, and medical care. We must protect religious liberty from these extremists.” Fish’s Prepared Remarks to the Bentonville School Board Letter Sent to the Bentonville School Board

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