Comments on: Everybody Draw Muhammad Day! Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 28 Mar 2017 15:32:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cthulhu21 Thu, 03 Apr 2014 22:49:00 +0000 In reply to Jane Doe.

Criticism of a set of concepts and ideas is not the same as mocking those who hold these ideas and concepts as gospel. People should be free to criticize concepts if they don’t agree with them, just not to the point of calling those with these ideologies idiots (though there are those who do fit that description).

By: Jesus mows my lawn Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:56:00 +0000 First there is nothing in the Quran about forbidding the image of Muhammad. That comes from extra hadiths which are not part of their original scripture. In fact, old Islamic art often portrays the prophet – feel free to research the images. The Shi’a branch of Islam generally has no problem portraying Muhammad so long as it is done in good taste (like Americans seem to be toward portrayals of Jesus). This is considered acceptable in Iran. More importantly, it is a basic human right to free speech to do something as basic as drawing pictures. Surely they would have no problem making Jesus look like a clown even though Islam also considers him one of their prophets? As far as disrespecting other’s beliefs, who has a problem “disrespecting” Scientology with satire or cartoons? Would comics depicting Thor be considered disrespectful? What about the “Heaven’s Gate” folks or Flat Earth Society? That’s their ‘beliefs’ and are off limits of ridicule or critique, right? Hmmm…. Take note, ridicule of belief systems is not the same as ridicule of an individual, so the hypersensitive can take a chill pill.

By: Bob Fri, 21 Jun 2013 04:57:55 +0000 Well said. It is not because you are an atheist that you can disrespect others’ beliefs.

This entire post does not make the atheist community look mature. Please remove it.

By: Jane Doe Mon, 03 Jun 2013 13:40:44 +0000 I understand that this holiday was created with good intentions on protesting against Muslim extremists who went way too far. However, it is still disrespectful towards Muslims who are not extremists and have every right to believe it is a sin to draw Muhammad. If you want your beliefs or lack of belief to be respected then you have to respect the beliefs of others first. There are atheist extremists out there who have persecuted people of different religions and even murdered people for simply believing in something that the atheist extremists could not believe in. Because of that, do I now have the right to create a holiday that mocks atheists whether they have persecuted people of religion or not?
