Comments on: Atheist Billboard Campaign in Salt Lake City Parodies “I’m a Mormon” Ads Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 28 Mar 2017 15:32:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: LogicSniper Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:26:00 +0000 I’d like to throw my views out there. I’m a Logic Sniper. I’m a troll, I’ll admit, but that’s beside the point. My point is – I’m an atheist, and I’m going to deconstruct a post here, a post there, and draw some unsavory conclusions about the posters. Then never return for the argument.

But, this is my two cents’ worth.

I don’t see evidence for a creator. Nor an afterlife. Circumstantial evidence, at best, for reincarnation. I see evidence all around for what science tells us is true, and honestly, I don’t see much sense in the ‘Christian’ morals I was brought up with. But I digress.

My views are simple. I trust those who openly admit that we DON’T know everything, that we, as a race, as a planet in fact, are NOT special. I don’t fear hell, because even if I’m wrong, then God must be a petty, petty being to damn me to hell for using my head.

And for those who say ‘we are special, we know all, we exist for a higher purpose’, I don’t trust them in the least.

By: Gary Canterbury Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:06:00 +0000 In reply to you.

Actually, you dimbulb, we’re born Atheist…because we haven’t been polluted with the knowledge of bullshit religion yet, we can’t “know” anything until we’re introduced to the dogma through our programmed parents whose purpose, through their own programming, is to spread the vile virus of religion which starts the first time they put your little hands together and say “Now I lay me down to sleep…,” like our Engineer that weighed in, his programming shows through when he states there’s a being out there more intelligent than are we, with absolutely NO proof of any kind of this being except a bullshit, badly written, contradictory collection of fairy tales that’s been edited more than my unfinished novel, including the last one, in which pretty much everything was thrown out and they just made stuff up, which has actual, historical fact and documentation to back it up, unlike ANYTHING in your bullshitible.

It’s hilarious that your state Atheists “know(in their mind) that there is no god,” then turn around and say something completely contradictory and idiotic (the move of choice by Christians) and say “…a new born doesn’t know anything…,” which, asshole, would make them Atheist, by your definition, because in a mind without knowledge, “…doesn’t know anything,” there can be no conception of a god.

The stupidity of your ilk and the moronic statements you think are clever amuses me, except that you delusional psychotics are in charge. So, die already, allow society to get out from under your 1500 years of religious oppression and become what it should have; enlightened, realistically facing our existence without the hatred that is religion.

And, there’s no hatred in my wanting you all to die…there’s hope that you will, sparing generations of naturally-born Atheists your shared psychosis.

By: you Thu, 13 Mar 2014 20:28:00 +0000 In reply to Gary Canterbury.

your second sentance shows that you arent that smart…. we arent born ATHEIST… we are born AGNOSTIC,,,, there is a big difference retard…. ATHEIST “know(in their mind) that there is no god” … a new born doesnt know anything,,, they dont even know what god is or is not…. that is an agnostic = not knowing if god exist or not…

now continue to show everyone how smart you are 🙂

By: Vance Tue, 18 Feb 2014 23:56:00 +0000 I wish all the atheists good luck in your efforts to love yourselves, love your fellowman and good luck in your efforts to create heaven on earth for all to enjoy. God knows you’ll need good luck or as the Chinese call it good fortune.

By: rargos Sun, 09 Feb 2014 19:11:00 +0000 In reply to Jolene Kristovich.

Or perhaps you’re oversensitive, paranoid, and/or have a persecution complex. Proof through selected instance isn’t proof at all: it’s an anecdote.

On the other hand, there are plenty of atheists here who are not shy at all about attacking (often with insults and profanity) people who they disagree with. In fact, it appears that most of atheism’s “ideology” boils down to attacking religion, not presenting itself as a better choice.

But back to your original story: a nun told your parents (wrongly, in my opinion) they “weren’t Christians”. Does the single utterance of one individual then mean that nuns, Christianity, or religion in general are also wrong?

By: Jolene Kristovich Sun, 09 Feb 2014 18:05:00 +0000 In reply to rargos.

I think you may be more naive about this than you realise.

By: rargos Sun, 09 Feb 2014 04:31:00 +0000 In reply to Jolene Kristovich.

I think you’re arguing my point that these are isolated events and don’t represent the vast majority of Christians (most of whom couldn’t even tell you what Jehova’s Witnesses believe).

By: Jolene Kristovich Sat, 08 Feb 2014 16:03:00 +0000 In reply to rargos.

I’ve been told by a nun that my parents were “not christians” because twenty years prior they had been Jehova Witnesses

By: Thought Police Fri, 07 Feb 2014 02:39:00 +0000 In reply to rargos.

That’s a truly terrifying concept to me. But have you noticed in the bible the suspiciously UFO-like accounts of god, his angels, and the various reported sky phenomena?

By: rargos Thu, 06 Feb 2014 02:29:00 +0000 In reply to Thought Police.

I agree. Perhaps death simply re-unites one’s individual soul with God himself (i.e. a “communion” with God). And perhaps the reason why we should strive to be good, spiritual people is in order to enable this communion, “hell” in effect being spending eternity as a lone entity experiencing (as you put it) the linear progression of time without end.
