Comments on: On Marriage Equality Case, the Rights of LGBT Americans Trump Religious Dogma Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 28 Mar 2017 15:32:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pho Wed, 20 May 2015 23:34:00 +0000 Isn’t marriage a religious ceremony and to force churches to marry anybody against their belief by law (gay or not )isn’t that a joining of church and state? It’s one thing to set standards for civil union by law but to force it upon a religion its Counterproductive to the goals of AA unless it’s goals is not the separation of church and state.

By: phreedm Mon, 04 May 2015 12:31:00 +0000 In reply to Sold out.

The hypocrisy of this news release is overwhelming. AA cares as much for the LGBT community as they do for the victims of the Nepal earthquake.
Ever since Madalyn O’Hair, AA’s rallying cry has been “do not force your opinions upon us”. Today AA is using, yes USING the LGBT community for their own gains. AA now wants the state to move into the churches and force their opinions upon others. So much for freedom of conscious which is really what the first amendment is all about.
The sad reality is AA is also being used…they’re just blinded by their hate and don’t see it.
“American Atheists stands for the rights and equality of all people,”….except for those who think differently then AA.

By: Who's the greater troll? Mon, 04 May 2015 01:47:00 +0000 In reply to Laura Ross.

Just curious : when you, Laura Ross, call another person (and I quote) a “dumb piece of dog poo”, does this not fall under the definition of “trolling”?

Amazing how people who live in glass houses are the first to throw stones.

By: Who's the greater troll? Mon, 04 May 2015 01:43:00 +0000 In reply to Laura Ross.

Is it possible to disagree with someone or state an opinion you do not agree with and not fall under your definition of “troll”?

Simply calling anyone you disagree with a “troll” is disingenuous and anti-intellectual. Or would you prefer to live in a world where you are never exposed to ideas you don’t like?

By: Ken Sun, 03 May 2015 16:59:00 +0000 If atheists are so worried about the intermingling of government and religion what say you to this. Will you be consistent and call your dogs of war (e.g. ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State) to stand against this. Or will you show at last you cannot escape your true bias and supposition.

By: Cthulhu21 Sat, 02 May 2015 04:05:00 +0000 In reply to Sold out.

What’s wrong with advocating for other groups? I don’t really see what the issue is here.

Whom are they exactly?

Even so, I don’t see why that justifies denying a group certain rights. Why should we promote ideas simply because they’re popular?

I somehow think their agenda is not a sinister one. Why do you think that it is?

By: Cthulhu21 Sat, 02 May 2015 03:56:00 +0000 In reply to Selective instance.

I think they we’re just pointing out that there are politicians who are still pushing bills of that nature and not necessarily equating creationism with belief.

By: Laura Ross Fri, 01 May 2015 20:05:00 +0000 In reply to Sold out.

Since when are trolls allowed?

By: Selective instance Fri, 01 May 2015 01:52:00 +0000 In reply to Kagrenac.

It’s more frightening to see atheists equate religious belief with creationism. Several Pew polls show that mainline Protestants support the theory of evolution at a higher rate than non-believers.

And the Catholic church also teaches that things such as the Big Bang and evolution are also scientific truths.

Maybe you should stop looking at the small number of fanatics when drawing conclusions about religious belief.

By: Sold out Fri, 01 May 2015 01:48:00 +0000 Since when did Atheism become nothing more than a front for gay activism?

There are many, many countries and societies in the world that do not support the idea of “gay marriage”, and quite a few of these are either non-religious or officially atheist.

It’s intellectually dishonest to oppose religion in general because one supports so-called “gay rights”. There are organized religions in the US (e.g. Episcopalians) who have openly gay clergy and there are billions of non-religious people around the world who oppose gay marriage.

Sad to see the “rational” atheists get suckered into being pawns of the LGBT agenda.
