Comments on: Atheists Push Supreme Court to Protect Real Religious Freedom, Preserve Access to Contraception Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 01 Aug 2017 18:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: gary clarke Wed, 05 Oct 2016 22:05:00 +0000 In reply to Shawn Payne.

Hi, please forgive my ignorance (I’m in the UK) What is the issue about contraception & work?! Is contraception not available via individuals own practitioners and/or over the counter at pharmacies?

By: Shawn Payne Thu, 14 Apr 2016 06:42:00 +0000 In reply to Justin Webb.

Yes, your employer can set limits on where and how you work. But still has to follow the law. The problem with companies is that sometimes they act like they own their employees. Pushing your religion on people who work for you is just wrong. And that is exactly what companies like Hobby Lobby are doing.

By: Justin Webb Thu, 24 Mar 2016 22:11:00 +0000 “Everybody worship even if you’re not churchin’ What your living for is God, power, pleasure or your job Some livin’ for they clothes, call it True Religion

Y’all ain’t tryna hear me like them demos I be getting I think they get the memo, the Christians in the building And they been getting higher than the Keisha that you’re twisting.” ( If you do not want to accept God’s offer fine there will be a day when you are not pestered by God’s unconditional love. Do not think that i will succumb to atheist opinions about what is a big deal or not and violate God’s standards . John Piper writes: “Conflict with ugly and offensive reality is not a peaceful or pleasant affair, neither on Golgotha, nor in your bedroom or kitchen or TV room. If we are faithful, every time we meet the quivering power of sin, we meet it with a sword. No truce, no compromise, no prisoners. Fight to the death.” Your employer does dictate where you work how you work and how much you get for working and for how long, that is what happens when you apply for the Job and accepted the terms for employment. Keep making him doing things that hurt profits too, this concept of hurting smart powerful people that provide opportunities so we can reward selfish lazy people that dont create anything is a great concept. How many Jobs have gotten outsource? How many people are on food stamps again? What can you buy with just one US dollar now?

By: Fujikoma Mon, 21 Mar 2016 15:14:00 +0000 I don’t understand how this argument from the religious is even allowed. Contraception coverage is compensation for employee labor and, like someone’s wages, has no reason to be controlled by a person’s employer. The religious groups might as well claim that employees be required to submit spending budgets of their paychecks for approval.
