Comments on: Oklahoma Judge Denies Motion To Dismiss Atheists’ Ten Commandments Lawsuit Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 28 Mar 2017 15:32:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: gdubs Tue, 21 Jul 2015 15:15:00 +0000 In reply to Warden.

Oklahoma is an ignorant state. Refuting factual information with your opinion and getting snotty about it is the cherry on top. Congratulations OK, you have a winner here.

By: Warden Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:51:00 +0000 In reply to gdubs.

I find that your continual thought that I truly care on which state is better quite comical. As I said I could care less one this subject nor any other you could bring to my attention, I only pushed this issue to see your reaction. Although my previous thoughts of your competence is starting to lack. Your state mine, they are all corrupted in some way, the fact you call it righteous only shows you have no real grasp on the real issues. This pointless fight over religion is something to cause people to pay more attention to the minor things then the major. Your reaction to my comments were fascinating, but if you believe I truly care about minor things such as who has the best school, then your not looking at the bigger picture. Yes I have know for sometime that Oklahoma needed to focus on school and less on sports, but before one simple fix can be made the corruption must be burned out. Now I enjoy your petty want to sound better then all, but look beyond the pointless issue and see, I saw you as someone who could see something else in the pot, and I was bored and needed something to do. I could care less about what happens to the monument nor do I care who has the better schools. Please refrain from boring me for I find you very interesting, but my interests have limited views, and thus I might right you off as a waste of time

By: gdubs Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:05:00 +0000 In reply to Warden.

Oklahoma is statistically the 17th state in high school graduation rate and 41st in college graduation rate. I reside in a state that ranks 2nd and 27th respectively. So, in essence, yeah, my state is a fuckton more righteous. It still doesn’t excuse Oklahoma from governing in a fashion that contradicts the constitution to its core. Stop deflecting and start holding your state government responsible. I’m the last person you should be concerned with.

By: Warden Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:32:00 +0000 In reply to gdubs.

So it is true that you are in the greatest of needs to make not only your home to sound better but yourself. By verbally attacking people you have never even seen face to face you prove my theory on this subject. As for the point pertaining to the issue at hand, I could care less about a pointless endeavor to keep an monument to some words spoken of greatness. I believe that if you know this things then that is good enough. My point was not towards your beliefs nor toward your ideals of this topic of religion, but rather to you as a person. Anyone who will openly say things about a state were either burned by someone in the state itself, or of deeper issues about their own home and find comfort in attacking points that they want to be true. Your issue with my state have no concern to me because everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. I just wanted to see your reaction to the consent pushing I was causing. I find that the easiest way to see if someone is truly smart is to push their beliefs, ideas, and religion to a breaking point to find out if the person is competent. This issue of atheists fueding over things that I as well believe is pointless, and I as an Oklahoman can see that is will be a losing fight, as well as the most pointless issue I have ever seen in a few years. I am glad to see someone who is competent here. I do not mean to discomfort any one person but to see if the person truly believes in such lunacy, as this. The only reason I chose you for this is I figured you would be rather challenging

By: Warden Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:17:00 +0000 In reply to gdubs.

You call us the least one intelligent, but the question does bring intself into light, what state do you belong to, that allows you to take so wrong about one that you seem to obsess about? This points to an unhealthy need to make your state sound better then it truly is. I have seen many people in my day do the same, but it wound up that they just lived in a bad home, and wanted to make it sound like they were better off. But the truth is never the easiest thing to swallow. You act as if your home is so great, but underneath the assaults on a state you claim you have been to, may truly lay nothing more then the want of the acceptance that your home is not trash but a golden city of righteousness

By: gdubs Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:08:00 +0000 In reply to Warden.

So your only remarks of that of my character and have nothing to do with the state you live in making decisions that are unconstitutional? Great. Just wanna make sure that I am accurate in calling you a dumbfuck.

By: Warden Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:03:00 +0000 In reply to gdubs.

Its not the frequency I see but moronic ideals such as yours believing that your so much superior. I have to change and learn everyday, which means I see things as they must be. What I see here is nothing more then a child try so desperately hard to prove he is a man. Unfortunately for you the sign of maturity seems to evade you, and those your are not superior in any way but inferior to all that look upon you and see nothing more then a sad, depressed, angry, and lonely little boy. I believe in giving people and their homes a chance and seeing what may come of it. Yes I do believe that this is something above me, what that is I have no idea, but this does not give any one person the right to bad mouth a place that they have never been to, nor does it give one the right to believe themselves better because they can spin a phrase. No I do not believe that I am better then anyone, I just believe everyone has a chance to show their true colors. Whether they are just or not. And if you wish to, if I may, show your ass then by all means do so, just don’t expect the outcome to be in your favor

By: gdubs Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:54:00 +0000 In reply to Warden.

btw, I have been to oklahoma multiple times and it’s not a prerequisite for understanding that collectively, you’re one of the least intelligent states in the union.

By: gdubs Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:52:00 +0000 In reply to Warden.

cry me a river, nancyboy. Grow a pair. Educate yourself. Change. Then you’ll see that insults aren’t as frequent.

By: Warden Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:41:00 +0000 In reply to gdubs.

Your State: Where we encourage assholes, pedophiles. rapists, dumb asses, and people who have never stepped foot in Oklahoma.

I am an Oklahoman, I have lived my whole life in Oklahoma, and know the rights of every man, Those who call us stupid, retarded, or any other name that they feel is the best way to explain us should note that you are pointing one finger at us, but four towards yourselves. It is appalling to know that people like yourself can say such things when those of us do what we see as right, and are judged for things that idiots like you call wrong everyone precipitation is different. Now the monument has nothing to do with the government, but everything to do with pushing those of us to see our mistakes and try to correct them. What I stated above was not an attack on your state but to prove a point, I stated things about your state that I do not know making me sound like an ignorant ass, which the same as you sound like to me. Show those around you that your are smarter then the ones that brought this pointless issue, and can’t see what ever Oklahoman knows, or are you wanting to stay in the ignorance that you seem to call home
