Comments on: American Atheists Condemns Attack on Charlie Hebdo Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Fri, 15 Mar 2019 21:20:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Taylor Dillon Fri, 18 Dec 2015 18:16:00 +0000 In reply to WallaceLeMay68.

It’s hard to take your argument seriously when it can be answered so simplistically.
1. Atheism has no objectives, nor does it have to have one. Atheist is merely a label for a person lacking a belief in supernatural dieties.

2. Why can’t someone simply live to enjoy life? After all, to our knowledge you only live once, right? Have you ever heard about existentialism? It is a philosophy which suggest that because of the preface that we only live once, we live life to the fullest. There is no authoritative figure of theolgical dogma instructing you how to live your life and we don’t belive in an afterlife. You’ll find that the majority of atheist are existentialists. I mean, have you ever seen a happy atheist, just live his or her life to enjoy it? I’m sure you have.
Meanwhile, it could be asked why religious people even bother living if there is a an afterlife, these “heavens”, which relatively better than the life here down on Earth. Seems like they’d be quick to serve their lord and off themselves (a high I guess is the case for so many Muslims going on suicide missions).

It may just be a hard to accept reality for religious zealots that after we die, that’s it. The reason to keep living is to enjoy the life we have while we still have it.

I hope that answered that question.
By the way, sorry for the 1 year wait.

By: Arka Wed, 04 Mar 2015 04:51:00 +0000 In reply to WallaceLeMay68.

No source is needed. I am myself the source not looking for source from someone else. Fool.

Neck bearded.. can’t even phrase properly – illeterate.

By: Arka Wed, 04 Mar 2015 04:48:00 +0000 In reply to WallaceLeMay68.

Again an idiot. No meaning and a complete loss of 10 mins. Should be banned for wasting other’s time. Atheists live for values , live to enjoy life and to help others enjoy it too notwithstanding god to help them for it.

After 5 mins find out ur brain cells are dead so did not read the rest of the post. Rascal.

By: Arka Wed, 04 Mar 2015 04:45:00 +0000 In reply to WallaceLeMay68.

can’t even speak properly. Why these blunt headed psycho’s are allowed to post.

By: rwnot Sat, 14 Feb 2015 23:12:00 +0000 There are here, like on any other blog site, some intelligent and well thought out statements but also way too many undecipherable and/or insane comments. The posts have gravitated into name calling and some are way off message. The central link to the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the new event in Chapel Hill, NC is that there are misguided people all over the world and they have in common a “belief system” so strong that they become detached from reality. In the case in Chapel Hill the murderer must have had a number of problems, the worst being his worshiping of the Gungod! He had posted a photo of his Gungod on Facebook along with expressions of his love for it. Some god worshipers are quite docile and non-threatening but way too many are fanatics like the KKK, Al Qaeda, ISIL and all the other COWARDS that use some form of god worship to justify rape, torture and killing of innocent people. On the arguments about whether there is a god: The more someone argues that there is – the more they prove that they are stupid, ignorant, or have an ulterior motive Our knowledge from all of history doesn’t equate to one molecule of water compared to all the molecule of water on earth. And that’s being very conservative. Now, show me that smart man or woman that has the answer to everything. Of all the great things done by mankind, no where is there a scrap of evidence of this super being, except in the sick minds of some “believers”.

By: WallaceLeMay68 Mon, 09 Feb 2015 00:04:00 +0000 In reply to Bible Belted Betty.

“And this is the condemnation: that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”
John 3:19-21

By: WallaceLeMay68 Mon, 09 Feb 2015 00:03:00 +0000 In reply to Bible Belted Betty.

Well this comment really opened my eyes. I mean, this is powerful stuff. After all, we are all atheists towards Thor, right? Some people are just enlightened enough to take it one step further. And we all know Darwin has already explained how the entire universe can function without any need for a creator. Except, well … the Kalaam Cosmological Argument, teleological argument, First Cause / Unmoved Mover, the impossibility of infinite causal regress, the necessity of at least one unconditioned reality, the Argument from Reason, Fine Tuning of Universal Constants, irreducible biological complexity, the argument from morality, Plantina’s modal ontological argument, the free will defense to the problem of evil. … Your entire world view lies shattered at your feet. If you truly honor the gods of reason and logic half as much as you claim, you would plant your face firmly into your hand, step away from the device, find a quiet place, and rethink your life!

By: Bible Belted Betty Sun, 08 Feb 2015 22:55:00 +0000 In reply to WallaceLeMay68.

Blah. Blah. Blah. I don’t want to rid the world of religion because my business relies on superstition and I’m very greedy. I’m a capitalist. I sell tiny crucifixes with movable legs so you can push Jesus up and down the cross and this is a hot item in Mexico City. I choose to exist because I like pie and that is reason enough. Pie. I’m also in a highly sadomasochistic personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He cusses at me and I cuss right back. Our personal relationship is completely dysfunctional and complicated as indicated in our FB status. I think he wants to send me to Hell because he makes ugly threats when he talks to me through my hair dryer. Also, the virgin birth is funny. If I kill myself, I’ll never get to enjoy another laugh at the virgin birth. I also enjoy imitating Jesucristo during Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Mexico City. I am in a theater troupe that stages blasphemy. If I kill myself, I’ll never get to play sexy Christ in huarache sandals again. We also have a pigeon in the role of the Holy Spirit because doves are impossible to get although pigeons defecate more on stage. You shouldn’t upvote your own posts. It isn’t humble. Praise!

By: Bible Belted Betty Sun, 08 Feb 2015 22:55:00 +0000 In reply to WallaceLeMay68.

Chuck Norris and Jesus are douches. They deserve each other and I’ll be glad when they can finally get married in Texas.

By: WallaceLeMay68 Mon, 02 Feb 2015 02:45:00 +0000 In reply to Beestingza.

You have, inadvertently, given me the empirical evidence I have been looking for to support my new proof for the existence of God: the argument from douche.
P1: if a maximally douchy entity exists, there must some transendant, countervailing entity which embodies all that which in not douchy. Otherwise, douchiness would have overwhelmed the universe.
P2: non-douchy things exist, such as Jesus, America, freedom, baseball, Ronald Reagan, etc.
P3: a maximally douchy entity exists (proven by your last comment ).
P4: maximal douchiness does not dominate the universe based on the existence of P2 + sunsets, babies, Chuck Norris, etc.
P5: the transendant embodiment of maximal non-douchiness, which allows for existence of P2, must be spacess, timeless, immaterial, omnipotent, in order to overcome the maximal douchiness of P3.
That entity is what classical theists call God.
Thanks again neck beard boy. In all your pseudo-intellectual, teenage angst ridden butthurt fury, you have proven the existence of God!
