Comments on: Asking Trump, Carson, & Santorum About Atheists Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Mon, 27 Mar 2017 13:55:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Edward James Oldenburg Sat, 17 Oct 2015 00:05:00 +0000 In reply to Unrepentant Atheist.

I believe that it is time for Atheists to form our own political party. We could call it, The Freedom Party.

By: Unrepentant Atheist Wed, 12 Aug 2015 01:30:00 +0000 In reply to John Shuey.

You are correct on how diverse a group we are, however there are a few topics that we could be very motivated toward. One example is the separation of Church and State. If we are not careful and do not get more involved, the recent successes we have had in removing religious propaganda from government properties and schools will get reversed as Christians have way more clout than we do at this time. We are lucky that many judges have a rational head on their shoulders.

The Christians are too tied up at the moment worrying about what gays are doing in the bed room to really notice Atheist groups, but this will not be always the case. We need to build some kind of footing so that we do not end up in more of a theocracy than we already are.

By: Unrepentant Atheist Wed, 12 Aug 2015 01:26:00 +0000 Great article. I would have guessed the result prior to the research you did, but the research needed to be done anyways. If we have more people like you reaching out and asking questions, eventually one of them is going to ask, “What is with all the Atheist questions as of late?”.

Then they will start paying more attention. Conservative is not synonymous with religion.

By: John Shuey Tue, 11 Aug 2015 17:32:00 +0000 Atheists as a voting bloc is a silly idea, much akin to Methodists or birdwatchers as a voting bloc. There are Atheists who are politically conservative, liberal, and even libertarian (A recent, unscientific poll of LP membership indicated that roughly 40% of Libertarians are Atheists/Agnostics). While their Atheism may advise their choice within their preferred philosophy, it is highly improbable they would unite behind a single candidate.

By: RBKobe Thu, 30 Jul 2015 18:08:00 +0000 This article really makes no sense to me at all. The entire pursuit here seems counter to any thing even close to logical, reasoned thinking…

I tend to think of atheists as being much more focused on rational thought & logic (perhaps I’m assuming too much, but I would guess that may be what helped some come to their atheistic conclusions). And NONE of the supposed “conservative” candidates even come close to being logical or rational at all!

Perhaps it’s partly a problem with definitions here, since the notion of what “conservative” means — *in politics* — has veered far afield from what it used to mean. But I see no reason for anyone with even half a tiny cell of rationality or logic remaining in their brain would even consider anything to do with ANY of these Republican nut-cases. And they all are. Really…

Let’s see… Trump: window dressing, entertainment… nothing else really needs to be said. Moving on….

Santorum: Does not believe in human caused Climate Change & apparently doesn’t believe we need to do anything about it anyway: drill drill drill, frack frack frack, mine mine mine, blah blah blah. Strongly opposes same sex marriage, LGBT civil rights, womens’ rights, abortion even in cases of rape or incest, health care reform. Wants to privatize Social Security & anything else he can get his hands on. Strongly pushes for “religious freedom” & wants religion “back in” government AND in our classrooms. Opposes Common Core educational goals, wants “creationism” taught in schools — doesn’t apparently believe in evolution… Oh sigh. That’s just a TINY taste of his flavor of crazy. Need I go on…?

Carson: Does not believe in human-caused Climate Change & thinks it’s wrong to use Climate Change as “an excuse not to develop our “God given resources” (drill drill drill, blah blah blah)! Opposes the ACA (“Obamacare is…the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.” REALLY?!) but also wants to eliminate Medicare & Medicaid & to raise the age of eligibility for Social Security. Strongly opposes same sex marriage (implied it leads to bestiality, among other things), LGBT civil rights, womens’ rights, etc etc etc. Does not, even as a doctor, apparently understand medical research or history. Strongly pushes for “religious freedom” & wants religion “back in” government AND in our classrooms. Opposes Common Core educational goals, wants “creationism” taught in schools — doesn’t apparently believe in evolution…

And let me repeat, that both these “gents” (actually ALL repub candidates) somehow believe that religion is under fire in this country, that it isn’t represented or relied upon heavily enough in government and education, & that it belongs on an equal footing with scientific knowledge.

Of Carson the author said he “seemed to be the most grounded of the candidates based on the research I had done.” Really? That any one of these guys can be called “grounded” in any manner is just ridiculous.

If you are an atheist (someone who likely leans toward logic & reason) AND a conservative — in one old sense: “a person who is cautiously moderate, averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes” — I can (sort of) see why you might want to identify &/or support a candidate who presents themselves as likewise being “conservative”.

But you should be very, VERY wary about what they actually mean by that. Because for the most part, they do NOT mean what you think they mean!

Why would any rational, thinking person (atheist or not) even consider ANY of the Republicans who are calling themselves presidential candidates? And by extension (assuming being an atheist means one is rational), why would ANY atheist even consider any of these idiots? At the very least, they are simply nuts & time wasters. At their very worst (think Walker & Cruz), they are dangerous & should not even be in the offices they already inhabit.

By: David Williamson Thu, 30 Jul 2015 11:29:00 +0000 Now these three conservative candidates can’t say they’ve never heard of us! Great job Amanda and American Atheists.

By: Ed Buckner Wed, 29 Jul 2015 20:30:00 +0000 As has happened repeatedly in the past, Amanda Knief speaks for me. But, as I know she would stress to me and every other atheist voter, we all need to speak for ourselves to ALL these political leaders and wannabes. Thanks, Amanda.
