Convention Archives - American Atheists Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:01:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 125490277 American Atheists to Convene in Philadelphia and Pack 24,000 Meals for Locals in Need on Easter Sunday Wed, 27 Mar 2024 12:00:23 +0000 Philadelphia, PA – Hundreds of atheists and nonreligious people from all over the United States will convene at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel this weekend for the annual convention of American Atheists. The civil rights organization, now in its 60th year, works to protect religious freedom and the separation of religion from government and advocates for the representation and inclusion of the 28% of Americans who identify as religiously unaffiliated. Nick Fish, Philadelphia resident and President of American Atheists, said, “I am so excited we’re hosting our 2024 convention right in the heart of Center City. This is the birthplace of America, and religious freedom was so central to that founding. Our most recent State of the Secular States report found Pennsylvania has strong constitutional and nondiscrimination protections in place, but no state is immune to the dangerous rise of Christian nationalism. Attendees will learn a lot about the work we’re doing to fight back and save our democracy.”  This year’s convention boasts a diverse speaker line-up of activists, academics, and authors discussing timely topics ranging from immigration and abortion access to public education policy and recovering from religious abuse. Presenters include the hosts of popular podcasts Unreasonable, The Burning Eden, and The Plain People’s Podcast, as well as writers Kate Cohen, a Washington Post contributing columnist and author of We Of Little Faith, Sarah Stankorb, best-selling author of Disobedient Women, and award-winning science journalist and author of the forthcoming book The Progressive Parent, Kavin Senapathy.  Other events include a charity pub quiz, a cabaret show, and an Awards Dinner with featured speaker Ellery Schempp, the primary student involved in the landmark 1963 United States Supreme Court decision of Abington School District v. Schempp, which declared that mandatory Bible readings in public schools were unconstitutional. American Atheists’ founder, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, was the plaintiff in the related and eventually consolidated case, Murray v. Curlett. Also in attendance will be the legal team behind American Atheists’ recent victory in a West Virginia religious coercion lawsuit.   The convention culminates with American Atheists’ annual “Two Hands Working” service project on Easter Sunday. In partnership with The Outreach Program, the organization’s staff and volunteers will pack 24,000 meals for Philadelphians in need. The tradition is an homage to founder O’Hair’s quote that “two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.”  “This project is always one of the highlights of our conventions. I think a lot of us are pretty tired of hearing politicians offer thoughts and prayers, and this is an opportunity for our community to give something tangible and meaningful back to the community that is hosting us,” said Debbie Goddard, Philadelphia resident and Vice President of Programs at American Atheists. “Although we’ve made enormous strides in the last six decades, there is still a persistent misconception that nonreligious people are immoral people. It’s not true. We do so much good, and we don’t expect anything in return.”  The American Atheists convention will take place March 28-31. Locals are welcome to attend the convention at a discounted general admission rate of $99. The “Two Hands Working” Service Project will occur […]

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National Atheist Convention in Atlanta Feeds the Hungry and Funds Abortion Access on Easter Weekend Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:40:32 +0000 Atlanta, GA—On Easter weekend, April 14–17, hundreds of atheists will gather in Atlanta for the 2022 American Atheists National Convention. American Atheists, founded by Madalyn Murray O’Hair in 1963, promises a diverse line-up of speakers, social events, activist workshops, and volunteer opportunities. “Our 2022 National Convention will energize and empower atheists from Atlanta and all across our country to engage in their communities,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “In Georgia and elsewhere, white Christian nationalists are working to restrict voting access, undermine public education, and make abortion illegal. We cannot allow them to succeed.” The festivities kick off on Thursday evening with a Charity Game Night benefitting Access Reproductive Care–Southeast, an organization working to ensure that Southerners receive safe and compassionate reproductive care including abortion services. Convention attendees will hear from over two dozen speakers. Mandisa Thomas, the Atlanta-based founder and president of Black Nonbelievers, Inc., will explore how to address white supremacy within the atheist community. Former pastor Dave Warnock, who was diagnosed with the terminal illness ALS, will talk about maximizing his atheist impact in the only life he has to live—and so much more. On Easter Sunday, atheists will come together for the “Two Hands Working” Service Project. This volunteer project is named after Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s famous quote, “Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.” During the event, attendees will pack 50,000 meals for people in need in the Atlanta area. “Doing good work through service and activism is at the heart of our convention,” said Debbie Goddard, Vice President for Programs. “And community is essential. People who leave religion can feel isolated.  At our convention, attendees experience a sense of togetherness and learn ways to better get involved in their communities—all without having to go to church.” Tickets are available online until April 9, and limited tickets will be available at the door. Area residents receive a special discounted admission rate of $99 for the weekend. For more information, visit Journalists and photographers interested in attending the event are encouraged to contact Tom Van Denburgh for press passes at

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American Atheists’ 2020 National Convention Tickets Now on Sale! Fri, 24 Jan 2020 21:13:55 +0000 Registration is now open for American Atheists’ 2020 National Convention in sunny Phoenix, Arizona on April 9–12. Get ready for four amazing days of speakers, social events, comedy shows, workshops, and our “Two Hands Working” service project—all of this in the company of nearly a thousand fellow atheists from across the country. American Atheists’ National Convention is the one event you don’t want to miss this year! Reserve your tickets now! American Atheists’ 2020 National Convention offers one of the most diverse line-ups of speakers, rising atheist stars, hands-on trainings from activists and secular allies, and unique perspectives on the issues that matter most to our community. This year promises not only incredible weather but also the chance to reconnect with old friends and make brand new ones.  Register today and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you’ve reserved your spot. Once you have your general admission ticket, sign up for all of the additional events, including our Awards Dinner and—for the first time—a comedy and magic show featuring Matt Dillahunty! And don’t forget to reserve your hotel accommodations and view our constantly expanding speaker list. We can’t wait to see you in Phoenix!

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American Atheists to Take Over Phoenix on Easter Weekend 2020 Fri, 13 Sep 2019 15:29:58 +0000 We’re excited to announce the location for our 2020 National Convention: sunny Phoenix, Arizona. From April 9–12, hundreds of atheists will descend on Arizona’s capital for a long weekend chock full of presentations, comedy and game nights, workshops, exhibits, and social and community events—making it the conference you don’t want to miss! Bringing together speakers with stories that haven’t been heard before, rising stars within our community, and unique perspectives on the most important issues of our day, the American Atheists National Convention offers one of the most diverse speaker lineups of any convention in our community. In 2018, “Dr. House” star Hugh Laurie gave the keynote speech at our convention, and this year Jim Obergefell, the LGBTQ activist behind marriage equality, came out for the second time⁠—as an atheist. But those aren’t the only people we want to hear from! Starting now, you can submit an application to give a plenary talk, present a panel discussion, lead a training workshop, or provide entertainment. The deadline for proposals is midnight on October 30, 2019. Speakers on a wide range of topics, as well as comedians, musicians, artists, poets, and other performers are all encouraged to apply. Rooms at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix are also now available at a discounted rate. In previous years, rooms have sold out more than two months before the event. Book early to ensure availability! See you in Phoenix!

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American Atheists at Kentucky Freethought Convention Thu, 05 Sep 2019 16:03:04 +0000 On September 21, come see both national and local speakers, panels, and workshops at the Kentucky Freethought Convention. American Atheists is proud to sponsor this biennial get-together for atheists, freethinkers, and humanists in Kentucky. And guess what: Registration is only $10 for general admission, $5 for college students, and free for children! Confirmed speakers include “Friendly Atheist” Hemant Mehta, Street Epistemologist Tyrone Wells, former host of The Atheist Experience Tracie Harris, and our president Nick Fish. At 10:00 AM, Nick will explain how to build atheist and humanist communities during a panel discussion. Then at 2:30 PM, he will expose Project Blitz for what it is: a Christian nationalist campaign seeking to turn America into a theocracy. You won’t want to miss out on any of the panels, speeches, and workshops the Kentucky Freethought Convention has in store for you. Register today!

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American Atheists at Skepticon 11 Wed, 07 Aug 2019 22:36:23 +0000 Are you an atheist activist or group leader and want to learn how to be more effective? Then you’re in luck. Not only is American Atheists sponsoring Skepticon, but we’re also leading a workshop track this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for atheists just like you. And guess what: Registration is absolutely free! Here are all the American Atheists trainings you can attend. Friday, August 9 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Stories to Tell: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges by Putting a Human Face on Atheism Nick Fish, President Perhaps the most important goal of the atheist community is to take away the negative connotations associated with the word atheist. Nick shares some of his experiences and offers tips to help us get past the label to see the people behind it. 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Establishing a Non-Profit in the Secular Community Jen Scott, American Atheists Board Member Thinking of starting a non-profit for your existing group or starting one from scratch? Confused by 501c3 vs 501c4? Scared of paperwork? We’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a non-profit, the differences between the various types, and the simple steps needed to establish a non-profit. We’ll cover all the things to consider when forming a non-profit and what you can do to ensure its future success. 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Act Locally: Taking Atheist Communities to the Next Level Debbie Goddard, Vice President for Programs, & Jen Scott With our federal courts packed with judges like Brett Kavanaugh and Congress paralyzed, state and local activism are the only way for us to effectively move the needle toward equality nationwide. They key is building effective coalitions around shared issues and sustaining vibrant local community groups. We will share ideas on how your group can engage all four elements of the ACES toolkit: Activism, Community, Education, and Service. Saturday, August 10 9:00 am – 10:00 am Strategic Protest Planning Jen Scott Want to have an impact on your community? Direct actions make a difference. Come and learn how to create an effective strategy for your protest or rally. Learn how to capture the public attention and highlight your cause through protests and other creative tactics. 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Project Blitz: What To Do About the Well-Coordinated, Well-Funded Christian Nationalist Campaign You Haven’t Heard Of Nick Fish Project Blitz is a secretive state legislative campaign sponsored by the Christian nationalist movement to undermine the separation of religion and government, attack LGBTQ equality, and reduce access to reproductive services. This campaign employs a false and ahistorical framework of religious freedom in order to undermine religious equality for all Americans. Learn how to join the fight to defend our constitutional rights and equality. Sunday, August 11 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm How to Build Effective Activism Campaigns Debbie Goddard The goal of activism is change. But how do we know what works? Drawing from the experience of seasoned organizers and researchers, we’ll discuss evidence-based methods for developing goals, strategies, tactics, and messaging. Then we’ll work in groups to build campaigns we can engage in around issues that matter. Step up your game as an atheist […]

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American Atheists Announces Student Grants to 2019 National Conference Wed, 06 Mar 2019 22:14:51 +0000 Cranford, NJ—Today, American Atheists announced its student grants for the 2019 National Convention in Cincinnati on April 19 – 21. “Our National Convention is just around the corner! I can’t tell you how excited we are to bring new and exciting voices to the stage to tell the stories of our community. To help us ensure that as many people as possible can experience our National Convention, today we’re announcing our Student Travel Grant Program!” said President Nick Fish. Thanks to the generosity of Phil Ferguson, one of American Atheists’ strongest supporters, a limited number of grants are being offered to cover hotel accommodations, travel, or admission for college students who need financial assistance. “If you are a college student that would like to attend the American Atheists National Convention but don’t think you can afford it, this is your chance!” said Fish. Since opportunities are limited, students are encouraged to apply today.

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American Atheists Welcomes Jim Obergefell and Other Activists as 2019 National Convention Speakers Thu, 28 Feb 2019 16:48:12 +0000 Cranford, NJ—American Atheists announced the first wave of speakers, including Jim Obergefell, for its 2019 National Convention in Cincinnati on April 18-21. Jim Obergefell became an “accidental activist” by standing up for equality in the landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage in 2015. Joining him are other atheist activists including Gayle Jordan (Recovering from Religion Foundation), who ran openly as an atheist for a Tennessee State Senate seat, Noelle George (Foundation Beyond Belief), Kevin Bolling (Secular Student Alliance), Candace Gorham (The Ebony Exodus Project), and many more. “In the spirit of celebrating the extraordinary contributions of everyday people, we’re excited to announce Jim Obergefell as our keynote speaker,” said Nick Fish, American Atheists’ President. “For decades, Christian supremacists have waged a vicious war against equality. In 2015, however, Jim dealt them a heavy blow when the Supreme Court refused to permanently cement religious dogma into our nation’s law.” “Each of us has the power to be an activist and fight for change. We’re excited to be bringing in so many atheists who, like Jim, are challenging religious privilege in their local communities and at the state and national level,” said Debbie Goddard, Vice President for Programs. “And it’s all the more timely today,” added Fish. “Just last week, two Tennessee state legislators introduced a bill to ban same-sex marriage in the state based on religion. In Indiana, a tax business denied service to a lesbian couple, citing religion. Just three days ago, a Tennessee wedding cake shop refused to serve a lesbian couple, citing “spiritual conviction.” And with Project Blitz pushing through legislation and the Alliance Defending Freedom defending licenses-to-discriminate, we have our work cut out for us.” “At our convention, atheists learn how to engage on these issues and fight back against discrimination,” said Goddard. “Attendees will join an amazing community of ‘ordinary’ people doing extraordinary work—as volunteers, organizers, activists, educators, and other roles—because they are passionate about standing up for what’s right.” To secure your spot at our 2019 National Convention, register today! To learn about all of the great speakers we have lined up, visit our #AACon2019 website.

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Atheists Launch Billboard Campaign Before National Convention Tue, 08 Aug 2017 19:50:42 +0000 North Charleston, SC—American Atheists today launched a billboard campaign in the Charleston, South Carolina area to promote its 2017 National Convention from August 19-21 at the North Charleston Marriott. “The number of atheists in South Carolina and across the nation is skyrocketing. But too many people face discrimination and stigma because of their atheism,” said David Silverman, president of American Atheists. “Having our convention here in North Charleston shows that atheists are part of every community in America.” The American Atheists national convention coincides with the total solar eclipse that is crossing the United States on Monday, August 21 and features more than two dozen speakers, Friday night social events including a pub quiz and charity card tournament, an awards dinner on Sunday, and a comedy show featuring two of the original cast members from Mystery Science Theater 3000. “Our speakers show just how diverse our community is,” said Nick Fish, National Program Director of American Atheists. “But this convention isn’t just about who is speaking from the stage. It’s about having a great time with people who share common experiences.” American Atheists is offering a special discounted rate of $99 for the weekend (normally $259) for atheists who live in the surrounding area. You can purchase tickets at the door or in advance at The American Atheists National Convention is at the North Charleston Marriott, located at 4770 Goer Drive, North Charleston, SC. The convention kicks off at 9:00 AM on Saturday, August 19 with registration opening at 8:00 AM. A pre-convention debate on the topic of whether or not the United States is a “Christian Nation” featuring former American Atheists President Dr. Ed Buckner and Dr. Wallace Marshall, Charleston Director of Reasonable Faith, will take place at the College of Charleston on Thursday, August 17 at 7:00 PM. More information is available at For more information, please contact Nick Fish, National Program Director, at

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Atheist Leader, Scholar to Tackle Religion’s Place in Puerto Rico During Debate Tue, 18 Aug 2015 18:39:11 +0000 San Juan, PR—American Atheists today announced a public discussion in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with a religious scholar and its president the day before the organization hosts the first atheist conference on the island. The forum, which is free and open to the public and media, will be held at noon on Thursday, August 20, at the Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel. The panel discussion will feature Professor Luis Rivera-Pagán, a professor emeritus of the Princeton Theological Seminary and Puerto Rico native and David Silverman, president of American Atheists. “There is huge stigma surrounding atheism here in Puerto Rico,” said Silverman. “Bringing our convention to Puerto Rico is just one step we’re taking to break down the stigma and show just how diverse our community is.” The panel will discuss areas of disagreement about the issue of religion in public life with a focus on the challenges facing Puerto Rico, where nearly 60% of the population identifies as Roman Catholic and almost 90% of people are Christians. “When we hear reports of police pulling over motorists to preach at them, obviously that is a cause for concern,” added Silverman. “People of all faiths, and none, must be recognized as full members of the community. There is a lot of work to do and this discussion is just the beginning.” The American Atheists regional convention will be held Friday and Saturday, August 21-22, at the Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino in San Juan, and will feature more than a dozen speakers including Matt Dillahunty, scholar Dr. Richard Carrier, poet and author Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, civil rights attorney Mariana Nogales, and atheist activist Eva Quiñones. Tickets for the convention are available at the door for $79.

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