Tennessee Archives - American Atheists https://www.atheists.org/tag/tennessee/ Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Wed, 24 Jun 2020 21:04:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 125490277 TN Governor Lee Signs Most Extreme Church Release Time Bill in the Nation https://www.atheists.org/2020/06/tn-governor-lee-signs-most-extreme-church-release-time-bill-in-the-nation/ Wed, 24 Jun 2020 21:04:44 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=26861 Nashville, TN—Today, the national religious equality watchdog organization American Atheists denounced Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s decision this week to sign the most extreme church release time bill in the country. HB 2542/SB 2473 will force public schools to excuse students from class for one hour each school day for outside religious instruction even if it interferes with education. “By taking advantage of the disruption in public education caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Governor Lee and Tennessee lawmakers have passed an excessive bill that will have devastating consequences for public education throughout the state,” said Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy at American Atheists, who submitted testimony opposing the legislation. “Under this bill, church release time may replace up to 180 class hours—22.5 school days—each year, harming every student’s education. The fact that students participating in church release time can’t be held responsible for missing class means teachers won’t be able to cover as much material as they normally would.” According to U.S. News & World Report’s list of best and worst U.S. states for Pre-K–12 education, Tennessee is ranked in 38th place. “Sadly, with the passage of this church release time bill, students and parents will see further deterioration of Tennessee’s already poorly ranked education system,” added Gill. “This is unfair to all students—Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, and agnostic—who deserve to have bright futures made possible by public education.” The new law effectively reverses the Knox County Board of Education’s December 2019 decision to reject a church release time policy. “Forcing all school districts to allow church release time is overreach by state lawmakers—plain and simple. This bill strips school boards and communities of their decision-making and is nothing less than an attack on local control over education,” said Gill. American Atheists’ U.S. Secular Survey, the largest ever data collection project on nonreligious Americans, found that nearly one third (29.4%) of participants or their children had negative experiences in education due to their nonreligious identity. Of those who experienced this discrimination in education, there was a 21.5% higher rate of likely depression. “This harmful law will unnecessarily divide students into two camps—religious majority children versus religious minority and nonreligious children—making the latter targets of bullying,” warned Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “By signing this bill into law, Governor Lee is responsible for harming the education of Tennessee’s children. It’s beyond irresponsible.” Image via YouTube

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Tennessee Residents: Stop Religious Discrimination in Foster Care! https://www.atheists.org/2019/04/tennessee-religious-discrimination-foster-care/ Mon, 29 Apr 2019 19:36:06 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=11187 Last week, the Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 1304, which would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to discriminate based on their religious beliefs. Tomorrow morning, the Senate will hold the final vote to pass this harmful bill into law. Please take action now! We can stop these religious exemptions, but only if lawmakers hear opposition from you, the people they represent. SB 1304 would create new religious exemptions that would allow adoption and foster care placement agencies to discriminate against atheists and nonbelievers, religious minorities, single parents, LGBTQ people, or any other group of people they disfavor. This is the last chance to stop this discriminatory bill! Tell your Tennessee state senator that you oppose SB 1304! This kind of discrimination would reduce the number of potential adoptive parents, making children in these systems less likely to find a loving, permanent home. Tell Tennessee lawmakers that they should not put children at risk just to support religious discrimination! Sponsors of this bill claim that religious child placement agencies in other states have been forced to close due to same-sex marriage—but that is simply untrue. Instead, these agencies have a choice: they can either receive government funds or they can discriminate. It is unfair to Tennessee taxpayers, would-be parents, and especially the children involved to allow agencies to discriminate using state funds. Together we can stop these special protections for religion. Please act now, and tell your Tennessee state senator that you oppose SB 1304!

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Stop Religious Discrimination in Foster Care and Adoption in Tennessee https://www.atheists.org/2019/03/religious-discrimination-adoption-tennessee/ Fri, 29 Mar 2019 15:05:25 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10914 Lawmakers in Tennessee continue to push forward legislation that would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to discriminate based on their religious beliefs. These bills assault everyone’s freedom of religion, and we need you help to stop them! SB 1304 would create new religious exemptions that would allow adoption and foster care placement agencies to discriminate against atheists and nonbelievers, religious minorities, single parents, LGBTQ people, or any other group of people they disfavor. Please help us stop this discriminatory bill! Tell Tennessee lawmakers that you oppose SB 1304! This kind of discrimination would reduce the number of potential adoptive parents, making children in these systems less likely to find a loving, permanent home. Tell Tennessee lawmakers that they should not put children at risk just to support religious discrimination! Sponsors of this bill claim that religious child placement agencies in other states have been forced to close due to same-sex marriage—but that is simply untrue. Instead, these agencies have a choice: they can either receive government funds or they can discriminate. It is unfair to Tennessee taxpayers, would-be parents, and especially the children involved to allow agencies to discriminate using state funds. Together we can stop these special protections for religion. Please act now, and tell Tennessee lawmakers that you oppose SB 1304!

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Atheists: Tennessee Should Not Legalize Discrimination in Adoption and Foster Care https://www.atheists.org/2019/03/adoption-foster-care-discrimination-tennessee/ Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:01:54 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10633 Nashville, TN—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 800 constituents in Tennessee, wrote in opposition to HB 836. This controversial bill would, under the guise of religious freedom, harm at-risk young people and allow for discrimination in foster care and adoption placement. On average, there are 7,500 children in foster care in Tennessee. Around 350 children are available for adoption in Tennessee but haven’t found a home. Nationally, nearly 24,000 youths age out of foster care each year, finding themselves with no support at age 18. Even worse, 20% of them become homeless. These Tennessee children deserve a loving home. HB 836 would hurt their chance of finding potential families by allowing adoption and foster placement services to discriminate based on religious beliefs or lack thereof, marriage status, sexual orientation, and gender identity. By legalizing discrimination, HB 836 would reduce the number of available foster and adoption families, causing the children to live without a loving, permanent home. Currently, about 24% of adults are religiously unaffiliated, and atheists and agnostics make up about 7% of the total population. Therefore, even without considering the other categories of people affected, allowing foster placement agencies to discriminate on the basis of their religion will potentially exclude about a quarter of adults from providing a home for foster children, inevitably reducing the number of youth placed in loving, permanent homes. The results from other states bear this out. In every state that has passed this type of legislation, the number of adoptions is decreasing. This is proof that discrimination reduces the number of potential adoptive parents and in turns reduces the number of at-risk children with forever homes. HB 836 must not be allowed to put the religious beliefs of a few placement agencies above the well-being of these at-risk children. The children must come first.

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Strengthen Female Genital Mutilation Ban in Tennessee https://www.atheists.org/2019/03/female-genital-mutilation-tennessee/ Tue, 05 Mar 2019 20:13:06 +0000 https://www.atheists.org/?p=10753 Nashville, TN—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 800 constituents in Tennessee, wrote in support of SB 1166. This comprehensive bill will better protect women and girls in Tennessee from the harmful practices known as female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM consists in ritually cutting or altering the female genitalia for non-medical purposes. Religious communities predominately force this unethical pseudo-treatment upon young females—with non-licensed practitioners performing the work. Despite the religious significance of this tradition, it has no medical necessity or benefit. Instead, FGM frequently results in serious injury and medical complications to the victim. Beyond the devastating physical consequences, FGM can result in significant psychological harm. Although Tennessee is already one of the 28 states that prohibits this dangerous practice, SB 1166 will increase the scope of protection for women and girls in the state significantly. SB 1166 makes five changes. First, religion will no longer be an acceptable excuse. Second, the bill clarifies the definition of FGM. Third, the ban will not only apply to those who perform FGM. It also covers individuals who facilitate or transport a minor with the purpose of undergoing FGM. Fourth, the bill establishes a private right of action for survivors of FGM including damages, attorney fees, legal cost, and the civil forfeiture of property and money. Finally, SB 1166 establishes discipline for licensed medical practitioners who perform FGM. “We applaud Tennessee’s efforts to address FGM,” wrote Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy.

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