American Atheists launches billboard campaigns throughout the year to encourage atheists to “come out” and celebrate their atheism. We critique religious bigotry, the use of religion as a weapon by politicians, and the hypocrisy of all religions. These billboards not only encourage atheists to stand up and be heard, but also raise the profile of atheists and atheism in the media and public discourse.

Holiday Billboards

Since 2011, American Atheists has placed dozens of billboards throughout the country encouraging people who may still call themselves Christians but no longer believe in the things they were taught in their churches to be open and honest with their families and friends about what they believe—and don’t believe.

These billboards are specifically designed to prompt discussion in local and national media in order to increase the number of people who see the billboards beyond those who simply drive past their physical locations.

Our 2013 billboard campaign in Times Square, New York prompted a New York State Senator to compare our message to the Holocaust and say that he was not surprised that atheists were “hateful.” In response, we placed another billboard in his district in Staten Island encouraging people to skip church and celebrate the best parts of the holiday season, rather than the religious components they no longer believe.

The billboard campaigns have prompted countless local media appearances for American Atheists staff and local activists as well as more than a dozen appearances of national media like Fox News.