American Atheists has a team of dedicated professionals who fight to protect the rights of atheists, advocate for religious equality under the law, and work to normalize atheism in America. Our headquarters building is in Cranford, NJ, outside of New York City, and our policy and litigation offices are in Washington, DC.

Current Openings

Legal and Public Policy Clerkships

Law clerks will work with and report to the Legal staff of American Atheists in our Washington, DC office and will focus on tasks within the legal & public policy departments. Under the direction of the Vice President of Legal and Policy, the law clerks will complete tasks to support the mission of American Atheists by providing assistance with case management, research, client relations, state-level advocacy, administrative advocacy, and other similar tasks. All law clerks will have areas of primary responsibility, but are often required to be generalists and work creatively to address the ever-changing challenges associated with our work.