Billboards Archives - American Atheists Protecting the absolute separation of religion from government. Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:48:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 125490277 Atheist Billboard Campaign Exposes $1 Million Taxpayer Giveaway to Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:30:12 +0000 Phoenix, AZ—Arizona’s “In God We Trust” license plates have generated $1 million for the anti-LGBTQ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) since 2012, American Atheists and the Secular Coalition for Arizona (Secular AZ) revealed today. In response, American Atheists and Secular AZ have launched a billboard campaign to raise awareness about ADF and how Arizona is funneling money to fund this hate group. The billboard, paid for by American Atheists, will appear in three locations in the Phoenix metro area until March. It displays an Arizona “In God We Trust” license plate with the number “ADF-H8.” The billboard raises the question, “Is Your License Plate Funding Hate?” and directs the viewer to visit for more information. American Atheists and Secular AZ will present the billboard and take questions at a press conference on Monday February 11, 2019, 9:00am to 9:30am in the Arizona Capitol’s Rose Garden. ADF, a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group, is a leading voice in developing and advocating legislation that denies LGBTQ people access to public accommodations and has defended LGBTQ discrimination at the Supreme Court and international institutions. “Public awareness about ADF’s hate-inspired schemes is thankfully on the rise. However, few people realize that the license plate law funding ADF fits into a larger, dangerous Christian nationalist legislative campaign called Project Blitz,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists, the national atheist organization building opposition to Project Blitz with its campaign. “Project Blitz pushes seemingly innocuous bills similar to Arizona’s ‘In God We Trust’ license plate law in the hopes of building enough momentum to pass anti-equality legislation. However, Arizona’s law, which predates Project Blitz, is the first law we’ve seen that directly funds a hate group like ADF,” added Fish. “What’s even worse about the Arizona license plates is that there is absolutely no disclosure about where the money goes when drivers purchase these specialty plates,” said Tory Roberg, the director of government affairs for Secular AZ, an advocacy organization working to raise public awareness about license plate dollars going to ADF. The Arizona laws establishing the “In God We Trust” license plates do not inform Arizonans that the $17 speciality plate fee is donated to ADF. On Monday, February 4, Arizona state Senator Juan Mendez introduced two bills to address the state’s funding of ADF and the lack of transparency surrounding these plates. SB 1462 would ensure transparency by requiring the Department of Transportation to maintain a database with the name and mission of each entity receiving funds from specialty plates. Any driver selecting a specialty plate would receive information on their registration receipt about the entity funded by their selected plate. SB 1463 would no longer include the “In God We Trust” specialty plate among those that can funnel money to a organization, cutting off donations to ADF. “We need some reasonable criteria for which organizations the state sends money to, and I think a pretty legitimate starting point is that we shouldn’t include hate groups. It’s inexcusable that we’ve already sent a million dollars to an organization that’s stripping rights from LGBTQ people,” said Mendez. More information about the […]

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Atheists’ Holiday Billboards Say “Skip Church” to Avoid Fake News Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:51:30 +0000 Cranford, NJ—Continuing its annual tradition of holiday season billboards, American Atheists has launched two campaigns. One urges Americans to skip church to avoid the original “fake news,” and the other advertises their upcoming national convention in Oklahoma City. On the first billboard, an illustration of a traditional manger scene accompanies the words “Just skip church. It’s all fake news!” along with a holiday greeting from American Atheists. The second billboard shows the Oklahoma City skyline with Santa’s sleigh flying overhead and says, “Just like Santa Claus, the Atheists are coming to town!” in a reference to the 2018 National Convention in Oklahoma City, March 30 to April 1. The billboards will be up for the month of December in Albuquerque, NM; Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX; and Oklahoma City and Tulsa, OK. “Everyone knows that the stories we’re told in church aren’t the truth,” said David Silverman, president of American Atheists. “People ignore that fact because they enjoy the community, the friendship, and the traditions that go along with religion. But we’re here to tell them that churches don’t have a monopoly on any of that. There’s a fantastic and vibrant community of atheists all across the country creating their own traditions and lifelong friendships.” “Spend time with your friends and family, give gifts, do charitable work, and enjoy the season. You can do all of that while also celebrating the truth,” added Silverman. The issue of “fake news” has been pervasive in American politics for more than a year. According to a December 2016 Pew Research Center survey, almost two thirds of Americans say that made-up news causes a great deal of confusion about the basic facts of current events. “People are rightly skeptical about some of the news they see on Facebook, hear from their family, or are told by elected officials,” said Nick Fish, national program director for American Atheists. “But too often, they don’t extend that skepticism to their religious views and what their religious leaders are telling them.” “And right now, we could all use a little more skepticism about the things we’re told, no matter the source,” Fish added. Billboard Locations

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Atheists Billboards Say ‘Skip Church’ for a Merrier Christmas Thu, 01 Dec 2016 18:31:32 +0000 Cranford, NJ—In what has become an annual holiday tradition, American Atheists launched two billboards nationwide urging viewers to celebrate an “atheist Christmas” by skipping church. Several of the locations are in southern states to start promoting the solar eclipse convention the atheists will be hosting in Charleston, SC, in August 2017. The first billboard shows a text message exchange between two young women. One tells the other about her plans to skip church this holiday season and that her parents will “get over it. This billboard will be up the entire month of December in Colorado Springs, Colorado; Lynchburg, Virginia; Augusta, Georgia; Shreveport, Louisiana; and Georgetown, South Carolina, a short drive from the site of the upcoming convention in Charleston. “It is important for people to know religion has nothing to do with being a good person, and that being open and honest about what you believe—and don’t believe—is the best gift you can give this holiday season,” said David Silverman, president of American Atheists. “More and more Americans are leaving religion, but we still have work to do when it comes to fighting the stigma many atheists face.” The second billboard is a parody of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. The message calls on atheists to “Make Christmas Great Again!” by skipping church. During the campaign, Trump repeatedly pledged that stores would say “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays” if he were to win the presidency. That billboard will be up the entire month of December in Lynchburg, Virginia, and Shreveport, Louisiana. A recent survey from the Public Religion Research Institute shows that a quarter of Americans and almost 40% of young people are atheist or non-religious. This billboard campaign is specifically aimed at that growing population, especially those who no longer believe but still occasionally attend religious services or call themselves religious despite their lack of belief. “The only way to remove the stigma is to show our friends and family that we are the same kind, loving and compassionate people they’ve always known us to be,” said Nick Fish, national program director for American Atheists. “This billboard campaign will be a starting point for that conversation in communities where atheists don’t always have a voice.”

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Santa Says ‘Just Skip Church’ in Atheists’ Holiday Billboards Mon, 07 Dec 2015 15:42:06 +0000 Cranford, NJ—Continuing a holiday season tradition, American Atheists has launched a series of billboards in the Winston-Salem, North Carolina area and in Colorado Springs, Colorado featuring Santa Claus urging viewers to go ahead and skip church and simply be good for goodness’ sake. “We want people to know that going to church has absolutely nothing to do with being a good person,” said David Silverman, president of American Atheists. “The things that are most important during the holiday season—spending time with loved ones, charity, and being merry—have nothing to do with religion.” “Last year’s billboard showed a child writing a letter to Santa, telling him that all she wanted for Christmas was to skip church. This year, Santa wrote back,” Silverman added. With nearly a quarter of Americans claiming no religious affiliation, this year’s holiday billboard is designed to reach the millions of people who still attend church occasionally and call themselves religious, but have doubts about their beliefs. “It is important for these folks who are on the fence about their beliefs to know that they can take that first big step and leave church,” said Nick Fish, national program director of American Atheists. “There are tens of millions of atheists in this country. We’re everywhere. And we don’t need church or gods to tell us how to be good people.” The billboards will run through the month of December.

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Arabic Billboard Promotes Atheist Convention to Ex-Muslims Mon, 16 Mar 2015 14:53:22 +0000 Memphis, TN—On Monday, American Atheists announced an Arabic-language billboard in Memphis aimed at promoting its 2015 National Convention April 2-5 in Memphis at the historic Peabody Hotel to ex-Muslims. The billboard features a young girl wearing “bunny ears” with accompanying Arabic text reading, “An atheist convention featuring Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Easter weekend? Looks like we’re skipping mosque again!” and with details about the convention. A similar billboard in English was on display from March 3-10 in Memphis, reading “An atheist convention on Easter weekend? Looks like we’re skipping church again!” “Memphis has a thriving Muslim community, and in such communities closeted atheists can feel completely alone,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “Our message is that you are not alone, and you don’t have to pretend anymore. Atheism is the fastest growing religious demographic in America and we throw fun, welcoming conventions; the largest of which is coming to your city in just two weeks.” The Islamic religion plays an upfront role in the 2015 American Atheists National Convention. The keynote speaker is Somali-born human rights activist and ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and featured speakers include Bangladeshi atheist blogger Asif Mohiuddin, who recently served time in jail for blogging about his doubts, and Muhammad Syed, President of Ex-Muslims of North America. The American Atheists 2015 National Convention, April 2-5, at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, will also feature memeticist Dr. Susan Blackmore, founder and Discovery Channel host Marshall Brain, comedians Trace Bealieu and Frank Conniff of the cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and many more.

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Atheist Convention Billboard Rejected as ‘Offensive’ for Mentioning ‘Easter’ Mon, 02 Mar 2015 21:43:11 +0000 Nashville, TN—On Monday, American Atheists announced a two-city billboard campaign in Tennessee promoting its 2015 National Convention during April 2-5 in Memphis at the historic Peabody Hotel. The two billboards are radically different because the Nashville billboard leasing company rejected two designs as “offensive” and “aggressive” for including the words “Easter” and “church.” The Memphis billboard, featuring the original design, was approved without issue. Both billboards will run for one week. “The double standard is as ridiculous as it is discriminatory,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “Our billboards feature a happy little girl wearing bunny ears. Our convention is, in fact, this April 2-5, which falls on Easter weekend. Is stating this fact what Americans, champions of free speech, find ‘aggressive’? This is exactly why we are coming to the Bible Belt—we go where we are needed; it could not be more clear that we are needed here.” Each submitted billboard design featured the same young girl featured in the organization’s Christmas billboards, which sparked a three-round “billboard war” with Tennessee-area believers in December. The first submitted design read “An atheist convention on Easter weekend? Looks like we’re skipping church again!”—a throwback to the organization’s Christmas billboards in five cities where the girl writing to Santa said “All I want for Christmas is to skip church.” The Memphis billboard company approved the design. The Nashville billboard company refused it, and also refused a modified resubmission, stating that the words “Easter” and “church” could not be shown on the billboard and that only a design promoting atheist beliefs “without being offensive or aggressive towards another group” would be approved. The approved design reads “Hop over to Memphis for the biggest gathering of atheists in the country!”. The American Atheists 2015 National Convention, April 2-5 at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, will feature keynote human-rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, featured speakers founder and Discovery Channel host Marshall Brain and memeticist Dr. Susan Blackmore, comedians Trace Bealieu and Frank Conniff of the cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and more. For the exact location of the billboards, downloadable images for redistribution, and the most up-to-date version of this press release, visit American Atheists grants permission to news outlets to reproduce and reidistribute these images under the conditions that 1) the images are not cropped, edited, layered over, manipulated, or adjusted in any way, except to resize as necessary without cropping, and 2) that American Atheists is credited for providing the images in a disclaimer. Click here to view the first design submission, denied for mentioning “church” and “Easter” in Nashville, but currently on display in Memphis. AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that defends civil rights for atheists, freethinkers, and other nonbelievers; works for the total separation of religion and government; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy. American Atheists was founded in 1963 by Madalyn Murray O’Hair. For more information, contact us at (908) 276-7300 or American Atheists, Inc. P.O. Box 158 Cranford, NJ 07016 Tel: (908) 276-7300

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Atheists Demand Christians Share Christmas in TN Billboard War Fri, 05 Dec 2014 23:33:17 +0000 Cranford, NJ—American Atheists posted new billboards in Memphis and Nashville on Friday that read “Dear Christians, I share my toys. Why won’t you share the season? Happy Holidays for all!” The new message is in response to an anti-atheist billboard placed by a group of Christians on Thursday evening in Memphis that parodies the atheists’ first billboard that launched Monday and that accuses atheists of sacrilege and claims Christians are being bullied. The Christian campaign’s spokesperson Marshall Hart also accused American Atheists of “using children” to spread its message, despite using the photo of a three-year-old girl on its own billboard. “The hypocrisy is unbelievable,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “Millions of American children are forced to go to church under the threat of being denied meals, losing household privileges, having their college tuition cut off, or being kicked out of their homes. Many atheist adults are forced to go to church under threat of divorce or lose custody of their children. We must ask the question, who are the real bullies? Those who are unafraid to stand up for our views on billboards, or those who destroy families from the inside out?” The new American Atheists billboard designs replace the ones launched Monday in the same locations: in Memphis it is located on I-240 and Getwell and in Nashville on I-24 and Waldron Road. The original American Atheists billboard design, the model for the anti-atheist billboard parody, was aimed at in-the-closet atheists who are pressured to observe religious traditions during the holidays, and who might also want to attend the annual American Atheists National Convention in Memphis in April. The original Monday-launched atheist billboards are still on display in St Louis, Milwaukee, and Ft. Smith, Arkansas. American Atheists is bringing the billboards and its national convention to the Mid-South, where discrimination and distrust of atheists is especially pronounced. The billboards will be on display until December 24. There is additional information about the American Atheists 2015 National Convention during Easter weekend, April 2-5 at The convention will take place at the Peabody Hotel, just off of Beale Street. The convention will feature keynote speaker Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a costume party, an art show, a Cards Against Humanity charity tournament, workshops, and talks by more than 20 of the atheist community’s greatest speakers, including Bangladeshi atheist blogger Asif Mohiuddin, Lucien Greaves of The Satanic Temple, founder Marshall Brain, renowned debater Matt Dillahunty, author and memeticist Dr. Susan Blackmore, historian and poet Dr. Jennifer Michael Hecht, and Fade zu Grau, a celebrity fashion designer (as seen on Lifetime’s Project Runway), and more. Images of the original American Atheists billboards and the newly launched designs are available at Please note: At the time of this release, 4:10 PM Central, the Nashville board is live and the Memphis artwork has been submitted to the billboard company but is still pending upload from the billboard company to the leased space. Since it is a digital billboard, the switch will be instantaneous once it has been uploaded. For More Information Contact: David Silverman, President 908-276-7300 x5, AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a […]

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Atheists Jab at Mormon ‘Elders’ in Convention Campaign Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:00:43 +0000 Salt Lake City, UT—On Tuesday, American Atheists announced a Salt Lake City billboard campaign to promote its upcoming national convention with two new designs challenging the assumption that all Utahns are Mormons. One billboard features a group of senior citizens with the message: “Think all of Utah’s ‘Elders’ are Mormons? Think again! We’re Atheists!” The other champions a group of 14 beaming students with the same text but substituting “students” for “‘Elders.’” (Scroll to bottom for copyright release) Both boards invite the public to “Celebrate Reality: April 17–20” at the American Atheists National Convention in Salt Lake City by registering at the website. “‘Utahn’ does not mean ‘Mormon,’” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “There are many Utahns who want nothing to do with Mormonism, and this is especially true when it comes to creating laws, which must serve everyone. While the ‘elders’ joke referring to Latter-day Saints missionaries is supposed to be cute of course, the message is a real one: The assumption that Utahns are Mormon, specifically the encroachment of Mormon values into law, is dangerous and unconstitutional. This is especially clear in the recent and ongoing struggle for Utah’s LGBT population to gain equal rights for marriage.” “This is one of the reasons we chose Salt Lake City for our 2014 National Convention, and one of the conversations we want to energize between religious people and the atheist community,” Silverman said. “All citizens, young and old—and not just the sizable atheist population of Utah—deserve laws based on secular principles, and a society that understands that this is beneficial to everyone.” In bringing these topics to light, Silverman referred to a March 2012 article from The Salt Lake Tribune, one of the largest newspapers in the area. The article, entitled “How Utah’s capitol marches to a Mormon beat,” opens with the words, “In Utah, the question isn’t whether the LDS Church wields hefty political clout, but how it does so.” The article reveals that Mormon politicians regularly apply their religious values to lawmaking. According to the article, “a nod of approval from the LDS hierarchy is usually needed for bills affecting [immigration, alcohol, gambling, and LGBT rights] to proceed, according to a questionnaire sent to legislators by The Salt Lake Tribune.” “It doesn’t matter what the ‘Latter-day Saints hierarchy’ thinks about these or any other bills,” said Silverman. “America is not a theocracy. The Mormon church does not have veto power over anything beyond its own internal policies and especially not over laws affecting everyone, atheist or Mormon on anyone else. This is exactly why our founders included First Amendment protections of separation of religion and government in the Bill of Rights. Atheists have an equal voice, and our National Convention will put the spotlight on that.” Posing for the ‘Elders’ billboard are four Utah residents, and on the ‘Students’ board, 14 area students. (Several have volunteered to make themselves available to the media) “It’s important to me to appear on this billboard because growing up, I didn’t know there were other people out there who felt the same way I do,” said Melanie Hall, one of […]

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Press Release: Atheists Take Playful Jab at Prayer in Super Bowl Billboard Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:00:12 +0000 East Rutherford, NJ—On Thursday, American Atheists launched a new billboard near Metlife Stadium with a dig at prayer. It is believed to be the first-ever atheist-sponsored ad aimed at a Super Bowl audience. The billboard features a priest cradling a football with text reading, “A ‘Hail Mary’ only works in football. Enjoy the game!” The billboard will run through Super Bowl Sunday. The billboard invites fans to visit the organization’s National Convention website at The convention will feature keynote speaker Chris Kluwe, a former NFL punter and noted LGBT activist. The convention takes place April 17-20 in Salt Lake City. “Prayer is superstition, plain and simple,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “It trivializes the dedication of the players and takes away from their achievements. A third of football fans pray in hopes of helping their team. These are adults we’re talking about—people with children, people with careers, people who vote. It’s 2014; it’s time to stop believing that prayer works. Give credit where credit is due and celebrate what this is really about—coming together to cheer on hard-working athletes doing what they do best.” “During the Super Bowl, people of all religions and atheists come together as a community,” said Managing Director Amanda Knief. “Like many in New Jersey, we at American Atheists are excited to be part of this event and with this billboard share our voice. “This sense of community is a celebration of who we are and how we self-identify, and that’s the same environment we will create at the 2014 National Convention in Salt Lake City. Chris Kluwe, who will be our keynote speaker, is not only an athlete, activist, and writer, but also a nonbeliever. We invite atheists, fence-sitters, and curious believers alike who think they know atheism to think again and join us this April to see what we’re all about.” The digital billboard, measuring 14 feet by 48 feet, displays the American Atheists design six times each hour through Super Bowl Sunday. The billboard is located in East Rutherford, New Jersey 0.5 miles west of the Meadowlands Complex on Route 3. The billboard is on the right side of the street, facing east and visible to westbound traffic. See below for links to the billboard graphic and a map of the billboard location. The American Atheists’ 40th National Convention will take place Easter weekend in Salt Lake City. The convention will feature such speakers such as former NFL punter Chris Kluwe, Survivor®: Philippines winner Denise Stapley, Grammy-nominated Spin Doctors bass player Mark White, Reverend Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Maryam Namazie of the Council of Ex-Muslims, popular bloggers PZ Myers and Greta Christina, and American Atheists President David Silverman. The convention will also feature a costume party, live music, stand-up comedy, an art show and silent auction, national and local exhibitors, and childcare options for attending families. The convention takes place the weekend of April 17-20, 2014 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Billboard is located at coordinates 40.811105 / -74.10019 For the most-recent version of this press release, included updated links, see Location […]

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Atheist Billboard Campaign in Salt Lake City Parodies “I’m a Mormon” Ads Fri, 03 Jan 2014 02:34:25 +0000 Salt Lake City, UT—The national civil-rights group American Atheists has launched a new billboard campaign in Salt Lake City with a play on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ “I’m a Mormon” campaign, to promote its upcoming national convention. The billboard features a native Utah family and reads, “We’re the Monnett family, and We’re Atheists,” with the words “Mormons” and “ex-Mormons” written and crossed out. The board encourages people to “Come explore your doubt with us,” and includes the organization’s website,, and the dates of the convention on Easter weekend, April 17-20, 2014. The billboard is located on the east side of I-15, 2500 feet south of 33rd Road South, facing north. Links to images are provided below. “Many atheists still call themselves Mormons or ex-Mormons,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “Our message is this: If you don’t believe anymore, don’t continue to base your identity in Mormonism. You’re so much more than an ‘ex-Mormon’; you’re an atheist! And you are very far from alone. Be proud to be an atheist—we are, and we want to celebrate being an atheist with you. “American Atheists is reaching out to people who are on a journey away from indoctrination, even if they’re not ready to be open about that,” Silverman continued. “Countless Utahns are already free from religion but remain ‘in the closet’ about their beliefs. They are surrounded by religion and as a result, feel like they are alone. The National Convention will fix that by creating a fun and entertaining atmosphere where atheists from all over the country will meet, learn, and laugh. We invite everyone—especially those who have doubts about their religion—to join us.” In designing the ad, American Atheists sought a genuine Utah atheist family to appear on the billboard. Overwhelmed with responses, the group chose the Monnetts of South Jordan. West Monnett, a sports coach and stay-at-home dad, and his wife, Lennie, a director in finance, are both atheists who used to identify as ex-Mormons. Their children, Bentley and Tallen, as well as their niece, McKayla (of whom West and Lennie are guardians), are also featured on the billboard. The 2014 National Convention will feature speakers including NFL star Chris Kluwe, Survivor®: Philippines winner Denise Stapley, and Grammy-nominated Spin Doctors bass player Mark White, all atheists themselves, but none of whom have ever before spoken for an atheist audience. Other speakers include Reverend Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Maryam Namazie of the Council of Ex-Muslims, popular bloggers PZ Myers and Greta Christina, and American Atheists President David Silverman. The convention will also feature a costume party, live music, stand-up comedy, an art show and silent auction (with a portion of the proceeds benefiting Ogden OUTreach, a local charity for LGBT youth in need), national and local exhibitors, and childcare options for attending families. The convention takes place on Easter weekend, April 17-20, 2014, and all are invited, regardless of religious affiliation. Full-size image (warning: very large 7200 x 2100): Other sizes: Images available at the links above  may be reproduced and redistributed by the press […]

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