Washington, DC—Today, American Atheists praised the introduction of the Every Child Deserves a Family Act (H.R. 3114). This bipartisan bill would stop federally funded adoption and foster care placement agencies from discriminating against children, adoptive parents, and families nationwide....
Stop Religious Discrimination in Foster Care and Adoption in Tennessee
Lawmakers in Tennessee continue to push forward legislation that would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to discriminate based on their religious beliefs. These bills assault everyone’s freedom of religion, and we need you help to stop them! SB 1304 would create new religious exemptions that would allow adoption…...
Atheist Groups Urge Senate to Reject Discriminatory Adoption Provision in Appropriations Bill
Washington, DC—In a letter to the chairman and vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, a coalition of six national atheist, humanist, and secular groups urged the Senate to oppose a discriminatory amendment to the House Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations bill that would put the health and…...
ACTION ALERT: Oppose Religious Discrimination in Foster Care
Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee inserted a poison-pill amendment into the Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Bill. If passed, this amendment would require states to allow taxpayer-funded foster care and adoption providers to discriminate on the basis of their religion and cut child welfare funding for states that refuse to…...
Atheist Groups Denounce Oklahoma’s Discriminatory Adoption and Foster Care Law
Oklahoma City, OK—Five national organizations representing atheists, agnostics, and the religiously unaffiliated—a rapidly growing group comprising of one quarter of Americans—today issued a statement condemning the recently-passed Oklahoma law which permits religiously run adoption agencies to discriminate based on their faith while still receiving taxpayer funding....