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Support Death with Dignity in Maryland

Legislative committees in Maryland are currently considering HB 399/SB 311, important bills that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying.

These measures would create a patient-driven system that honors the values and beliefs of the individual.

By passing this legislation, Maryland would join the 8 states that already offer these end-of-life options, allowing terminally ill people to die in the comfort of their homes without receiving unwanted medical care.

However, religious groups, including the Catholic Church, vigorously oppose this common-sense legislation.

Please help us to tell lawmakers in Maryland to stand strong and to pass these bills!

Although approximately 80% of Americans desire to pass away in the comfort of their own home, less than 20% actually do so. We need your help to pass this important legislation to allow terminally ill people in Maryland to die with dignity, in peace.

Please take action by emailing these committee members now.