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American Atheists at Skepticon 11

Are you an atheist activist or group leader and want to learn how to be more effective? Then you’re in luck.

Not only is American Atheists sponsoring Skepticon, but we’re also leading a workshop track this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for atheists just like you.

And guess what: Registration is absolutely free!

Here are all the American Atheists trainings you can attend.

Friday, August 9

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Stories to Tell: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges by Putting a Human Face on Atheism

Nick Fish, President

Perhaps the most important goal of the atheist community is to take away the negative connotations associated with the word atheist. Nick shares some of his experiences and offers tips to help us get past the label to see the people behind it.

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Establishing a Non-Profit in the Secular Community

Jen Scott, American Atheists Board Member

Thinking of starting a non-profit for your existing group or starting one from scratch? Confused by 501c3 vs 501c4? Scared of paperwork? We’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a non-profit, the differences between the various types, and the simple steps needed to establish a non-profit. We’ll cover all the things to consider when forming a non-profit and what you can do to ensure its future success.

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Act Locally: Taking Atheist Communities to the Next Level

Debbie Goddard, Vice President for Programs, & Jen Scott

With our federal courts packed with judges like Brett Kavanaugh and Congress paralyzed, state and local activism are the only way for us to effectively move the needle toward equality nationwide. They key is building effective coalitions around shared issues and sustaining vibrant local community groups. We will share ideas on how your group can engage all four elements of the ACES toolkit: Activism, Community, Education, and Service.

Saturday, August 10

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Strategic Protest Planning

Jen Scott

Want to have an impact on your community? Direct actions make a difference. Come and learn how to create an effective strategy for your protest or rally. Learn how to capture the public attention and highlight your cause through protests and other creative tactics.

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Project Blitz: What To Do About the Well-Coordinated, Well-Funded Christian Nationalist Campaign You Haven’t Heard Of

Nick Fish

Project Blitz is a secretive state legislative campaign sponsored by the Christian nationalist movement to undermine the separation of religion and government, attack LGBTQ equality, and reduce access to reproductive services. This campaign employs a false and ahistorical framework of religious freedom in order to undermine religious equality for all Americans.

Learn how to join the fight to defend our constitutional rights and equality.

Sunday, August 11

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

How to Build Effective Activism Campaigns

Debbie Goddard

The goal of activism is change. But how do we know what works? Drawing from the experience of seasoned organizers and researchers, we’ll discuss evidence-based methods for developing goals, strategies, tactics, and messaging. Then we’ll work in groups to build campaigns we can engage in around issues that matter.

Step up your game as an atheist activist and leader.

Register today!