
Atheists Warn Indiana School About Staff Leading Prayer Event

ELKHART, IN—Today, in a letter addressed to Elkhart Community Schools and the Elkhart, Indiana, Police Department, American Atheists demanded that the agencies take action to ensure staff compliance with the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution and the Equal Access Act (EAA)....

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Arkansas State Senator Sued for Violating Constitutional Rights of Constituents

LITTLE ROCK, AR—American Atheists filed a federal civil rights lawsuit today in the Eastern District of Arkansas against State Senator Stanley Jason Rapert for violating the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and Arkansas state law....

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Creationist Encourages Kentucky Schools to Violate Constitution After Atheist Advisory Letter

Grant County, KY—In response to a letter from American Atheists reminding Kentucky schools of their obligations under the constitution to maintain religious neutrality, creationist and Answers in Genesis president Ken Ham has responded by urging schools to violate the constitutional rights of students....

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Atheists Commend LAPD for Removal of Massive Scientology Display from Department

Los Angeles, CA—Following a demand letter from the American Atheists Legal Center, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Hollywood Community Police Station has removed from its lobby a large kiosk promoting the Church of Scientology....

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Atheist Groups Issue Letter Opposing Kavanaugh Nomination

Washington, DC—Today, eighteen national organizations representing atheists, agnostics, humanists, and nontheistic Americans delivered a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee urging them to reject the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court....

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Trump’s Supreme Court Pick a “Disaster” for Religious Equality

Washington, DC—At a press conference tonight, President Donald Trump announced the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh from the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals to the United States Supreme Court to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy....

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Statement on Retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy

Washington, DC—Today, in a letter to the President, United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, effective July 31, 2018. In response, American Atheists’ legal and policy director Alison Gill released the following statement: With the retirement of Justice Kennedy, President Trump has the opportunity to nominate…...

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Supreme Court’s Ruling in “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” Case Puts Women’s Health at Risk

Washington, DC—In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in NIFLA v. Becerra, which undermines a California law that required reproductive health clinics in California, including so-called “crisis pregnancy centers”, to provide certain types of information to clients, American Atheists legal and policy director Alison Gill released the following statement:…...

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