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Oppose Trump’s Religious Discrimination Against Patients, Children, and the Elderly

Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services wants to repeal protections that prevent federal grant recipients from discriminating against Americans on grounds of religion, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

HHS provides more than $500 billion of grant money to fund health care, child-welfare services, after-school programs, programs for the elderly, and many other programs.

If HHS gets its way, groups funded to provide these services will be allowed to discriminate under the pretense of religion against atheists, religious minorities, women, and LGBTQ people.

You or someone you love could be denied critical services for refusing to conform to extremist religious worldviews.

HHS currently refuses to enforce their own anti-discrimination rules. Now, they want to make legal discrimination permanent.

We need your help to oppose this giveaway to religious bigots. Tell the Trump Administration that health and child-care services are no place for discrimination!

Programs that serve children, the elderly, and the sick should treat all Americans equally and with dignity.

If this proposed rule passes into law, groups that discriminate—most of which are affiliated with religious organizations—will be eligible for massive tax-payer funded grants. 

Trump may have signed a massive check to religious bigots, but it will be those who need these critical and life-saving services who will be most affected by this bargain.

Please take action now and share this message with others.

December 19th is the last day you can comment on the proposed rule. If you or someone you know could be affected by the proposed rule, this is your chance to tell HHS.

Together we can expose this corrupt bargain. HHS needs to hear your opinion. Please take action now!

Image by Gage Skidmore under CC BY-SA 2.0