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American Atheists Supports D.C. Marriage Equality Rally

Many of our friends and colleages in the secular movement are attending the rally at the Supreme Court today showing their support for marriage equality.

American Atheists fights for the complete separation of religion and government. Opposing marriage equality is one very high-profile example of religious people justifying bigotry by attempting to influence public policy on account of the teachings of their religion.

This is a clear violation of separation of church and state and directly at odds with our mission.

We are proud to support our friends at the rally today in Washington, DC. We are preparing for our 50th Anniversary National Celebration and Convention this weekend in Austin, Texas and are unable to attend, but we wish we could be there in person.

To those of you attending, please keep up the good work. This is not just a civil rights issue: It is a freedom from religion issue, and we could not be more vocal in our support.

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