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Stop the Department of Health & Human Services from Creating New Religious Exemptions

Last month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a new proposed rule which eliminates protections against healthcare discrimination based on language access, transgender status, and sex stereotyping, as well as for patients who have previously had an abortion.

Moreover, the rule would create a broad religious exemption to allow discrimination in healthcare.

The proposed rule would undermine civil rights and put vulnerable populations at risk. It would make it more difficult for anyone experiencing discrimination in health care to protect their rights, including people with limited English proficiency and people suffering from chronic health conditions, including HIV.

This rule would also allow medical professionals to turn away patients who need health care solely based on their religious beliefs.

We need your help to oppose this rule. Please tell HHS that you oppose efforts to put religious beliefs above patient’s health!

Together we can defeat this attack on health care access and vulnerable patients.

Please take action now and share this message with everyone you can.

August 13th is the deadline for us to send as many comments as possible to HHS. If you or someone you know will be directly affected by the removal of these critical nondiscrimination protections, this is your chance to tell HHS. If you’re a health care professional, let them know why you think this rule is wrong! 

No one should be denied care due to the religious beliefs of others. Patients deserve to know their rights.

Please take action now—people’s lives depend on it.