Bible Literacy Classes

Oppose Unconstitutional Bible Classes in Alabama Public Schools

Last Thursday, the Alabama legislature passed one of the worst “Bible class” bills we’ve ever seen. SB 14 not only allows public school teachers to discuss the Bible as a source of “morals” and “values,” it encourages them to teach “public policy” through a biblical lens. Can you imagine the…...

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Alabama’s “Bible Class” Bill as Brazenly Unconstitutional as Abortion Ban

Montgomery, AL—Alabama’s “Bible class” bill is as much of a challenge to established law as the state’s controversial abortion ban, American Atheists announced today. Alabama’s so-called “Bible literacy” bill (SB 14), which passed the House on Thursday, is unconstitutional on numerous grounds. SB 14 encourages teachers to discuss the Bible…...

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Stop Project Blitz from Pushing Bible Classes on Missouri Public Schools

The Missouri House recently passed HB 267, a bill that would encourage public schools to provide elective Christian Bible classes.Tomorrow, the Senate Education Committee will hold a hearing on this legislation....

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American Atheists Opposes Forcing Bible Electives on Arkansas Public Schools

Little Rock, AR—American Atheists, on behalf of its constituents in Arkansas, wrote to express serious concern over HB 1626. This bill would require every public high school to offer elective courses on the Bible if requested by students....

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Florida Residents: Oppose Bible Classes in Public High Schools

Christian nationalists throughout the country are trying to insert religious ideology into the public education system. And they have their eyes locked on Florida! At this very moment, the Florida State House is considering H195, a bill that mandates that public schools provide elective Christian Bible courses....

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Action Alert: Keep Christian Propaganda out of Public Schools

Missourians, we asked you last week to write to your representatives to oppose a so-called Bible literacy bill. But Missouri lawmakers refused to listen. Now that bill and two more Bible bills are moving toward final votes in both the House and Senate....

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ACTION ALERT: Oppose Bible Classes in Missouri Public High Schools

Christian nationalists throughout the country are trying to insert religious ideology into the public education system. And they have their eyes locked on Missouri!...

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Atheists Oppose Mandatory Bible Electives in Virginia Public Schools

Richmond, VA—American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 1,500 constituents in Virginia, wrote to express serious concern over SB 1502. This bill would require every public high school to offer an elective course on the Christian Bible or Hebrew Scriptures....

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