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LAST CHANCE to tell the Biden Administration to stop funding churches

Over the last year, the Trump Administration used the pandemic as an excuse to fund houses of worship with more than $7.3 billion of our taxpayer money.

Before leaving office, the Trump Administration proposed a regulation to try to make this unconstitutional taxpayer giveaway to religion permanent. But we have a chance to stop it!

Until this Friday, February 12, the Biden Administration is accepting comments from all Americans, asking us whether we are for or against government funding of religious activities.

Take action now! Before it’s too late, tell the Biden Administration to not let religious organizations get a cent of the taxes you are required to pay the federal government.

There is no greater violation of the separation of religion and government than forcing Americans—especially atheists—to fund someone else’s religious instruction and worship.

And that’s why Christian nationalists in the Trump Administration pushed this unconstitutional regulation at the last minute—hoping that you and all the other defenders of church/state separation would not notice.

Don’t let these extremists get away with it. Take action immediately and help counter all the comments these Christian nationalists are sending, pressuring the Biden Administration to finalize this regulation.