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#AtheistVoter Campaign Launched to Put Politicians on Notice

Cranford, NJ—On Tuesday, American Atheists announced the launch of the #AtheistVoter Campaign, a two-week initiative on social media to encourage atheists, humanists, agnostics, and other non-religious U.S. citizens to voice their intentions to vote and their concerns about issues to the candidates running in the midterm elections.

“Atheists make up millions of voters in every election but we get little attention from candidates or elected officials,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “It’s time that we make ourselves known–that we be loud about the fact that we vote and about the issues we care about. If candidates want our votes, they are going to have to pay more attention to us.”

American Atheists debuted a website at that features voting guides from the Secular Coalition for America, resources to help visitors sign-up to vote, links to contact governors, Congressional representatives and senators from every state, and a live stream of tweets using the hashtag #atheistvoter and tweeted images of atheists with their elected officials and of their “I’ve voted!” stickers.

“ is a one-stop resource for atheists to find out how to register to vote in their state, find information about the mid-term elections, and to connect with other atheists who care about public policy issues,” Silverman said.