
Indiana City Discriminates Against Local Atheists, Violates Constitution

Connersville, IN—Today, the religious equality watchdog organization American Atheists denounced Connersville’s new invocation policy as unconstitutional and anti-atheist, calling for it to be amended....

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Indiana Residents: Oppose Religious Coercion in Public Schools!

Indiana lawmakers are starting off the year on the wrong foot. They wasted no time in introducing a Christian Nationalist bill (SB 131) to require that every public school classroom and library prominently display “In God We Trust” posters....

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Indiana Officials Reverse Unconstitutional Decision to Exclude Atheist Group from Holiday Festival, Following Demand Letter

Valparaiso, IN—On Tuesday, Northern Indiana Atheists (NIA), an affiliate of American Atheists, received approval to participate in the community Holly Days celebration after an initial request was rejected. This reversal comes after American Atheists sent Porter County Commissioners a letter on Monday, November 4, demanding NIA’s inclusion and threatening legal…...

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Prevent Religious Coercion in Indiana Schools

Indiana lawmakers are pushing forward legislation designed to favor Christian students by giving them school credit for attending religious education....

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Atheists: Indiana’s Public Schools Should Not Coerce Students into Religious Instruction

Indianapolis, IN—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its constituents in Indiana, submitted testimony opposing SB 373 to the Indiana House Education Committee. This bill would undermine the freedom of religion of Indiana’s public school students by coercively encouraging religious education....

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American Atheists Warns States about “In God We Trust” Posters as Religious Propaganda

Cranford, NJ—Today, American Atheists submitted testimony opposing two “In God We Trust” display bills. Kentucky’s HB 46 and Indiana’s SB 373 would trample religious liberty by forcing public schools to display this Judeo-Christian language....

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