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A major step toward marriage equality in New Jersey

Today is a landmark day for equality in American history: Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson ordered state officials in New Jersey to begin officiating marriages for gay couples beginning October 21. Governor Chris Christie said he will appeal, all the way to the state’s Supreme Court if necessary.

We’re not finished with this fight yet, but American Atheists stands with our LGBTQ friends and allies on the front lines (American Atheists is a national organization with a current presence in 40 states, but we are headquartered in New Jersey). There is no argument against marriage equality apart from religious bigotry, and American Atheists takes the strongest possible stance against this discriminatory policy. While LGBTQ issues are not our main focus as an activism non-profit, we recognize the common enemy of religious fundamentalism when we see it. Religion is the root cause of discrimination against LGBTQ people by our government, and we will not rest until discrimination by religious bigots ends in every form, in every corner of our nation and forever.

We are very proud of the direction our state and country is heading thanks to the hard work of so many activists, but we have much more work to do. If you are not already a member of American Atheists, we ask you to join us in the fight to make religious bigotry and encroachment into public policy a thing of the past. The road is long and hard but we are making progress, and we need your support today more than ever. Together we can end the oppression!

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