
Arizona Lawmakers to Give Religious Extremists $3 Million to Deceive Vulnerable Women

Phoenix, AZ–Today, the national religious equality watchdog organization American Atheists and the Secular Coalition for Arizona spoke out against SB 1328/HB 2388, which would give $3 million to religious “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs)....

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Ohio Should Not Force Women to Bury or Cremate Fetal Remains

Columbus, OH—American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 1,700 constituents in Ohio, submitted testimony opposing SB 27. This controversial bill would require women to inter or cremate the fetal remains of a surgical abortion....

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American Atheists Opposes Ohio’s 6-Week Abortion Ban

Columbus, OH—Yesterday, American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 1,800 constituents in Ohio, wrote in opposition to SB 23, the “6-week abortion ban.”...

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American Atheists Opposes Restricting Abortion Services in Ohio

Columbus, OH—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 1,800 constituents in Ohio, testified in opposition to SB 23. This controversial bill would limit access for millions of Ohio women to reproductive health care....

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American Atheists Condemns Diversion of Title X Funding to Religious Organizations

Cranford, NJ—Today, American Atheists denounced the Trump administration’s “Domestic Gag Rule” as unconstitutional and dangerous. Not only does the rule ban providers funded by Title X from providing abortions, it also prevents them from even talking about abortion or referring patients to other doctors for abortion care. This rule essentially…...

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Atheists: The Trump Administration Must Allow Obamacare Insurers to Cover Abortion

Washington DC—Last week, American Atheists submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services opposing the Trump administration’s proposed rule that would deprive Affordable Care Act (ACA) consumers of access to abortion....

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American Atheists Submits Testimony Opposing Ohio’s Proposed Six-Week Abortion Ban

Columbus, OH—American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 1,200 constituents in Ohio, submitted testimony today in opposition to HB 258, a controversial bill that would limit access for millions of Ohio women to reproductive healthcare by banning abortion at six weeks....

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