
Betsy DeVos Expands Dangerous Exemptions for Religious Colleges and Universities

Washington, D.C.—Today, American Atheists denounced the Department of Education’s Title IX regulation changes, which expand religious exemptions for schools and weaken protections for victims of sexual harassment....

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Atheists Urge Supreme Court to Protect Employees from Discriminatory Religious Organizations

Washington, D.C.—In an amicus brief filed today, American Atheists, the Center for Inquiry, and the American Humanist Association urged the Supreme Court to deny attempts by religious employers to ignore non-discrimination laws on the basis of their religion. ...

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Trump’s School Voucher Proposal Would Rob Public Schools of $5 Billion Every Year

Cranford, NJ–In response to President Trump’s call for a $5 billion giveaway to religious schools at his 2020 State of the Union Address, American Atheists’ president Nick Fish released the following statement:...

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Atheists: South Carolina, Don’t Fund Religious Student Groups that Discriminate

Columbia, SC—Today, American Atheists wrote in opposition to S33, a bill that would open up South Carolina colleges and universities to discrimination....

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Department of Education Proposes to Subsidize Religious Proselytizing

Washington, D.C.—Today, American Atheists denounced the Trump Administration’s proposal to subsidize religious organizations using Department of Education student aid programs. Under the new rule, the federal government would unconstitutionally support the efforts of religious organizations not just to provide services but also to worship and proselytize....

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Atheists: Supreme Court Should Uphold Montana’s Ban on Taxpayer Money Flowing to Religious Schools

Washington, D.C.—Today, American Atheists joined other secular organizations in filing an amicus brief on Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the most important church/state separation case before the U.S. Supreme Court this term....

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Atheists Call out Betsy DeVos for Trying to Divert Government Funding to Religious Organizations

Cranford, NJ—Today, American Atheists condemned the Department of Education’s most recent attack on the separation of church and state. The department rushed through a final rule, ignoring the required process, to permit school districts to contract with religious organizations....

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US Department of Education Proposes Dangerous Religious Exemptions

Cranford, NJ—This month, American Atheists submitted comments opposing the U.S. Department of Education’s plan to introduce dangerous new exemptions for religious institutions of higher education....

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