
Atheists: Do Not Let South Carolina Student Groups Discriminate

Updated: 4/02/2019 Columbia, SC—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its more than 400 constituents in South Carolina, submitted testimony opposing to H. 3099. This controversial bill would undermine the ability of public colleges and universities to provide an open and inclusive campus and to prohibit discriminatory conduct. As written, the…...

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Prevent Religious Coercion in Indiana Schools

Indiana lawmakers are pushing forward legislation designed to favor Christian students by giving them school credit for attending religious education....

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Oppose Dangerous Religious Exemptions in Washington Universities

Sometimes even well-intentioned lawmakers get it wrong, all too often with disastrous results. Washington SB 5166 is one such example. While its intention is to protect religious minorities in colleges and universities, this bill sets up a system of religious exemptions that is ripe for abuse!...

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Atheists: Indiana’s Public Schools Should Not Coerce Students into Religious Instruction

Indianapolis, IN—Today, American Atheists, on behalf of its constituents in Indiana, submitted testimony opposing SB 373 to the Indiana House Education Committee. This bill would undermine the freedom of religion of Indiana’s public school students by coercively encouraging religious education....

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Atheists: Don’t Create Extreme Religious Loopholes at WA Universities

Olympia, WA—American Atheists, on behalf of its nearly 1,500 constituents in Washington, wrote in opposition to SB 5166. This bill would require college and university instructors to accommodate students’ requests for special treatment concerning exams or course requirements, so long as they are framed in terms of religion. Although we…...

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Urgent Action Needed! Stop Discrimination Against Atheists in Iowa’s Colleges and Universities

Imagine if religious student groups in public colleges and universities could discriminate against atheists, LGBTQ people, and anyone else they dislike—all while receiving funding from the school! That could soon be a reality in Iowa if we don’t do something about it!...

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