
Stop the Missouri Church Superspreader Bill

Across the country, we are seeing a wave of bills to create special rights for churches to ignore public health restrictions and hold in-person gatherings....

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Missouri Residents: Oppose Bible Classes in Public Schools!

The Missouri House of Representatives is about to vote on a dangerous bill that threatens the religious freedom of Missouri students....

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Stop Project Blitz from Pushing Bible Classes on Missouri Public Schools

The Missouri House recently passed HB 267, a bill that would encourage public schools to provide elective Christian Bible classes.Tomorrow, the Senate Education Committee will hold a hearing on this legislation....

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American Atheists Testifies Against Anti-Atheist Missouri Bill

Jefferson City, MO—Today, Missouri Assistant State Director Eric Wells testified against HB 728. This bill would prevent plaintiffs who stand up for their freedom of religion from bringing cases anonymously, endangering their lives....

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Action Alert: Protect Atheist Litigants from Public Harassment and Death Threats

Missouri lawmakers are currently considering HB 728, a bill specifically aimed at undermining the separation of religion and government. This misguided bill would put plaintiffs who stand up for the separation of religion and government at risk by preventing them from bringing cases anonymously....

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ACTION ALERT: Oppose Bible Classes in Missouri Public High Schools

Christian nationalists throughout the country are trying to insert religious ideology into the public education system. And they have their eyes locked on Missouri!...

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