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Missouri Residents: Oppose Bible Classes in Public Schools!

The Missouri House of Representatives is about to vote on a dangerous bill that threatens the religious freedom of Missouri students.

HB 1345 would encourage public schools to provide elective Bible classes. Christian nationalists are once again attempting to insert religious ideology into Missouri’s public education system. Please contact your Missouri state representative and ask them to stop this bill! 

More often than not, these classes end up resembling Sunday school rather than public school because schools fail to meet the constitutional requirement to teach them in a secular way.

We need your help to oppose this bill: Tell your state representative to vote NO on HB 1345!

This legislation bears all the hallmarks of Project Blitz, a multistate campaign by Christian nationalists to attack the separation of religion and government, LGBTQ equality, and access to reproductive services.

HB 1345 provides no way to ensure that students are free from religious proselytizing.

Additionally, the bill states learning the Christian Bible and Hebrew Scriptures are “prerequisites to understanding contemporary society and culture,” marginalizing the values and experiences of students who are atheists or religious minorities.

Please act now. Urge your state representative to vote NO on HB 1345 encouraging Bible courses in public schools!