ACTION ALERT: Oppose Religious Discrimination in Foster Care

Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee inserted a poison-pill amendment into the Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Bill. If passed, this amendment would require states to allow taxpayer-funded foster care and adoption providers to discriminate on the basis of their religion and cut child welfare funding for states that refuse to…...

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The Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision Was a Strike Against Religious Equality and Free Speech

Since its issuance on June 4, there has been much focus on the scope and meaning of the Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. While we won’t exhaustively discuss the details of the case or the court’s decision (you can get that here), we’d like to examine…...

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Atheist Groups Denounce Oklahoma’s Discriminatory Adoption and Foster Care Law

Oklahoma City, OK—Five national organizations representing atheists, agnostics, and the religiously unaffiliated—a rapidly growing group comprising of one quarter of Americans—today issued a statement condemning the recently-passed Oklahoma law which permits religiously run adoption agencies to discriminate based on their faith while still receiving taxpayer funding....

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Kansas: Help us oppose religion-based discrimination in adoption and foster care

Topeka, KS—The Kansas House is considering new religious exceptions that would allow funds to go to adoption and foster care placement agencies that discriminate against potential foster and adoptive parents based the religious beliefs of the agency....

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Oklahoma: Help us oppose religion-based discrimination in adoption and foster care

Oklahoma City, OK—The Oklahoma State Legislature continues to push for new religious exceptions that would allow adoption and foster care placement agencies that receive state funding to discriminate against potential foster and adoptive parents....

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