
Atheists’ Lawsuit Challenging Special Treatment of Churches by IRS Dismissed

American Atheists announced on Monday that its lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service in American Atheists v. Shulman was dismissed on standing by the Eastern District Court of Kentucky. The case alleged that the IRS discriminates in its filing requirements for nonreligious nonprofit organizations compared to its requirements for religious…...

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In Greece v Galloway, Even Kagan Just Doesn’t Get It

After reading both the US Supreme Court’s majority opinion and the dissent in the Town of Greece v. Galloway on Monday about prayers before city council meetings, I was faced with an irrevocable truth–not one of the justices gets it. Is “tradition” really a good reason to support a bad…...

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Atheists File Federal Lawsuit to Remove Christian Monument at OK State Capitol

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday Jan 13, 2014 Text of the lawsuit is available here. Oklahoma City, OK—American Atheists filed a federal lawsuit on Monday against members of the Oklahoma State Capitol Preservation Commission for placing a 2,000-pound Ten Commandments monument at the north entrance of the Oklahoma State Capitol in…...

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Atheists Go to Court Against IRS

Covington, KY—Oral arguments begin on Thursday at 10 AM CT in the case of American Atheists v. IRS. The nonprofit organization is suing the government tax-collection agency for discrimination, alleging that churches receive unconstitutional preferential treatment over other nonprofit organizations. If the suit succeeds, it could mean churches would then…...

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Air Force Academy makes “so help me God” optional in cadet oath

American Atheists supports this decision and sees this as a step in the right direction, but separation of religion and government still has a long way to go. The Air Force Academy should take out the “god” part altogether, and/or make it optional for those cadets who opt *in.* Under…...

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Atheists Threaten Separation of Church & State Lawsuit Against Montgomery, Alabama

Cranford, NJ—American Atheists has dispatched a letter (see below) to the Hon. Todd Strange, Mayor of Montgomery, Alabama, and to Montgomery Police Chief Kevin Murphy alleging that the city’s “Operation Good Shepherd” is unconstitutional, demanding the program cease immediately. The letter arrives on Tuesday. The program uses volunteer Christian pastors…...

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A major step toward marriage equality in New Jersey

Today is a landmark day for equality in American history: Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson ordered state officials in New Jersey to begin officiating marriages for gay couples beginning October 21. Governor Chris Christie said he will appeal, all the way to the state’s Supreme Court if necessary. We’re not finished…...

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The Pledge of Allegiance Goes to Court

Today marks an important step in the fight for equality and separation of religion and government. David Niose, immediate past President of the American Humanist Association and attorney for “John and Jane Doe,” begins oral arguments today before the Massachusetts Supreme Court....

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