
American Atheists Condemns Diversion of Title X Funding to Religious Organizations

Cranford, NJ—Today, American Atheists denounced the Trump administration’s “Domestic Gag Rule” as unconstitutional and dangerous. Not only does the rule ban providers funded by Title X from providing abortions, it also prevents them from even talking about abortion or referring patients to other doctors for abortion care. This rule essentially…...

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American Atheists and 42 National Organizations Unite to Fight Christian Supremacy

Cranford, NJ—Last week, American Atheists and 42 other national organizations joined together to oppose Project Blitz, a coordinated national campaign to enshrine Christian nationalism in state laws across the United States....

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Trump Administration Prioritizes Religious Dogma Over Child Well-being

Cranford, NJ—In response to a Trump administration decision allowing federal tax dollars to be used by a South Carolina adoption agency that discriminates against prospective parents on the basis of religion, American Atheists president Nick Fish released the following statement....

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American Atheists Opposes William Barr’s Nomination as U.S. AG

Washington DC—American Atheists joined with the Secular Coalition for America, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the Center for Inquiry to urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject the nomination of William Barr as the United States Attorney General....

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Atheists: The Trump Administration Must Allow Obamacare Insurers to Cover Abortion

Washington DC—Last week, American Atheists submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services opposing the Trump administration’s proposed rule that would deprive Affordable Care Act (ACA) consumers of access to abortion....

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Atheists Argue Transit System Intentionally Discriminated against Non-Religious

Scranton, PA—In a brief filed Monday, attorneys from American Atheists and the Center for Inquiry (CFI) argued that a Pennsylvania county agency unconstitutionally discriminated against atheists and minority religious groups by banning religious advertisements on buses after they allowed Christians to do so for decades....

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Statement on Nomination of William Barr as Attorney General

Cranford, NJ—Today, President Trump announced that he would nominate William P. Barr to replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. In 1992, Barr referred to secular Americans as “fanatics” and blamed them for “soaring juvenile crime, widespread drug addiction, skyrocketing rates of venereal disease, 1.5 million children aborted each year.”...

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American Atheists Statement on Acting Attorney General’s Views on Religious Tests for Judges

CRANFORD, NJ—During a panel discussion between Iowa candidates for Senate in 2014, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker explained his preference for federal judges that have a “biblical view of justice” and that he would look for judges who were “people of faith.” He went on to say that if judges…...

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