
Statement from American Atheists President on Trump Administration Plan to End DACA

Cranford, NJ—In response to the Trump administration’s announcement today that it would suspend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, American Atheists president David Silverman released the following statement:...

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David Silverman’s Opening Remarks at the 2017 National Convention

North Charleston, SC—During his opening remarks at American Atheists’ 2017 National Convention, David Silverman made the following statement. ...

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Atheists Condemn White-Supremacist Demonstration in Charlottesville

Charlottesville, VA—In response to the demonstrations of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, American Atheists president David Silverman and International Humanist and Ethical Union president Andrew Copson released the following joint statement:...

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Atheists Issue Joint Statement Condemning Trump Administration for Lack of Outreach to Secular Community

Washington, DC—Today four national organizations representing atheists, agnostics, humanists, and secular Americans released statements condemning the Trump Administration’s lack of outreach to the nontheist community. In March 2017, leaders representing American Atheists, the American Humanist Association, the Center for Inquiry, and the Secular Coalition for America sent a joint letter…...

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American Atheists Statement on Nomination of Sam Brownback as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom

Washington, DC—Today, President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Kansas Governor Sam Brownback to the position of ambassador at large for international religious freedom. In this position, Brownback will lead the State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom which monitors threats to religious freedom abroad and advocates on behalf…...

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Atheists Condemn Trump’s Anti-Trans Military Policy

Cranford, NJ—In response to a series of tweets from President Donald Trump declaring that trans military service members would be banned from serving “in any capacity in the U.S. military,” American Atheists President David Silverman released the following statement: The President is attacking trans members of our nation’s military, men…...

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Statement About Wasserman Schultz Amendment to Protect the Johnson Amendment in House Appropriations Bill Markup

Washington, DC—Today, in a 24 to 28 vote, an amendment offered by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) to protect the integrity of the Johnson Amendment failed during a House Appropriations Committee markup session. The amendment would have removed Section 116 of the bill, a rider that prohibits the IRS from…...

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American Atheists Seeks National Legal & Public Policy Director

Since 1963, American Atheists has protected the absolute separation of religion from government through legal advocacy, innovative education and public relations campaigns, legislative tracking, and community building and engagement. With more than 170 affiliates and local partners nationwide, American Atheists has a network of communities and activists ready to engage…...

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