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American Atheists Names Four New Regional Directors

American Atheists is pleased to announce the appointment of four new state and regional directors. From Director of State and Regional Operations, Ken Loukinen:

Chuck Miller, Alabama

Charles “Chuck” Miller is a civil rights activist and business person living in Huntsville, Alabama.

Mr. Miller holds a degree in History from the University of Florida and has done post-graduate work in Organizational Communications at Florida State University and Criminal Justice Leadership at the Florida Criminal Justice Institute.  He served in several capacities with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement before becoming a consultant to clients such as, the Navy, NASA, and the Treasury Department and as an entrepreneur.

Chuck is a co-founder and past director of the Secular Coalition for Alabama.  A long time member of American Atheists and our Alabama Affiliate, NAFA. “I am excited and honored to appointed to this position.  I am so proud of the work American Atheists does and the support we get here in where a sane rational perspective on separation of religion and the state is most needed.“

Please welcome Chuck at [email protected].

John Porgal, Florida North

John Porgal has been appointed the North Florida regional Director. John was instrumental in forming the Tallahassee Atheists, one of our affiliates. John is a long time Life Member of American Atheists. He was the lead organizer for the Florida Secular Rally and has been involved in many Florida protests.

John is retired and wants to devote his time to an absolute separation of church and state. “This has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I am looking forward to representing American Atheists and our Florida members and friends.”

Please welcome John at [email protected]

Jim Helton, Kentucky

Jim Helton has been an active atheist in the past. His professional life includes starting businesses from the ground up and having them succeed. Jim is a Life Member of American Atheists. He has demonstrated his speaking and motivation skills at our last convention. Jim comes highly recommended by highly respected activists.

Jim has assisted in the forming of two freethought groups and has also assisted our Legal Director in the 9/11 cross case.

He is a welcomed addition to our group of Director Activists and am looking forward to good things in KY.

Please contact Jim at [email protected]

Carla Burris, Missouri

Carla Burris lost her belief in gods at the same time she lost her belief in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Eight years of Catholic grade school only reaffirmed her rejection of supernatural beliefs. “For the longest time, I didn’t realize anyone actually took this stuff seriously,” she says. “Once I realized that everyone around me believed the stories, I felt very alone.” Attending a public high school and state universities provided her with the opportunity for a reality-based education and exposure to diverse cultures and belief systems, so religion ceased to have any importance to her. It’s only been in the past decade that increasing public piety and public attacks on women’s rights led her to consciously identify as an atheist and begin to fight back against the encroachment of theocracy into American lives.

On a daily basis, Carla uses her veterinary and information management training to provide educational resources to other veterinarians and veterinary technicians. An active member and co-organizer of Columbia Atheists in Columbia, Missouri, she enjoys talking about current events and having philosophical debates with other secularists. She’s a gamer (especially RPGs) and an avid reader of science fiction/fantasy, ethics, biology, history and medicine in her free time.

Her goal is to be a loud and proud atheist so that the rights of nonbelievers are protected, the public comes to understand that secular people are good people, and that no other kid has to feel like she’s the only one who knows gods are make-believe.

You can welcome Carla at [email protected]

Carla has been appointed to replace Greg Lammers, who was recently appointed American Atheists National Affiliate Director. Greg has been an outstanding volunteer and State Director.  We will miss him as Missouri’s Director, and at the same time welcome him to his new position as National Affiliate Director.