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May 15 is International Imad Day

American Atheists is proud to support the Council of Ex-Muslims in Morocco, the first public atheist organization in a country with Islam as the state religion.

Things have been very difficult for the Council’s 22-year-old founder, Imad Iddine Habib. Morocco’s High Council of Ulemas, the highest government religious institution headed by the King, issued a fatwa decreeing the death penalty for Moroccans who leave Islam. Currently, under Moroccan penal code, those who “impede or prevent worship” face imprisonment and fines.

The threats continue to escalate. Recently, Imad’s father has been interrogated by their secret service. He was told to tell Imad to stop his activities and that this would be the “last warning before they react.” Imad’s registered address has also been raided by security forces.

We are extremely concerned about Imad’s safety and life and call on the Moroccan government to guarantee his security and respect freedom of expression and thought. Rather than prosecute atheists, the government should prosecute those who issue fatwas and death threats.

On May 15, we join the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and many organizations worldwide as we call for an International Imad Day to stand with and defend Imad.

You can see a list of signatories or add your name to the list here:

On May 15, send letters of protest to the Moroccan embassy in your country. Tweet #Imad, #Atheist, #exMuslim; do an act of solidarity; click “Like” on the Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco’s Facebook page: and more.

You can also post a photo of yourself holding up a message like Imad has done declaring his atheism. You can email the photo to the Ex-Muslim Council at [email protected].