child marriage

American Atheists and Unchained At Last Push Government to Shine Light on Child Marriage

Washington, D.C.—Today, American Atheists and Unchained At Last, the only organization dedicated to ending forced and child marriage in the United States, wrote to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) about the agency’s proposed data collection activity on runaway and homeless youth (RHY)....

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Atheists: Protect Massachusetts Children from Forced Child Marriage

Boston, MA—Today, American Atheists, writing on behalf of its over 1,000 constituents in Massachusetts, demanded an end to forced child marriage....

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End Forced Child Marriage in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary is considering H1478, a life-saving bill that would prevent forced child marriage by prohibiting marriage of individuals under the age of 18....

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Protect Children in Massachusetts from Forced Marriage!

The Massachusetts State Senate is considering S.24, legislation that would prevent forced child marriage by prohibiting marriage of individuals under the age of 18....

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Atheists Tell Pennsylvania to End Forced Child Marriage

Harrisburg, PA—Debbie Goddard, Vice President for Programs at American Atheists, wrote in support of SB 81. This bill would end forced child marriage in Pennsylvania....

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Protect Children in Pennsylvania from Forced Marriage!

The Pennsylvania General Assembly is considering HB 360/SB 81, legislation that would prevent forced child marriage by prohibiting marriage of individuals under the age of 18....

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Protect Nevada Children from Forced Marriage

The Nevada Assembly is considering AB 139, legislation that would prevent forced child marriage by prohibiting marriage between individuals under the age of 18....

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End Child Marriage in Massachusetts

Boston, MA—On Tuesday, Jennifer Bradbury, atheist activist and a survivor of child marriage, testified for American Atheists supporting S. 24. This bill would end child marriage in Massachusetts....

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