Religious Exemptions

Proposed HHS “Religious Freedom” Complaint Form Lumps Together Victims of Discrimination and Perpetrators

Washington, DC—Last Friday, American Atheists submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services urging them to withdraw “confusing” and “overly burdensome” proposed changes to its civil rights complaint form. American Atheists condemns the changes because they conflate discrimination against patients and religiously motivated denial of service by healthcare…...

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Puertorriqueños: ¡Actúen ahora para oponerse a excepciones religiosas peligrosas!

Legisladores en Puerto Rico pronto votarán dos proyectos de ley que crean nuevas excepciones religiosas. Primero, PS. 1253 permitirá que las organizaciones religiosas reciban fondos públicos mientras se involucran en proselitismo religioso y discriminan a las personas que no comparten sus creencias....

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Texans, Stop Dangerous New Religious Exemptions

Texas lawmakers are trying to rush through terrible legislation that creates sweeping religious exemptions at every level of the Texas government before the end of session. SB 1978 would prevent the government from taking action against anyone who violates the law based on a religious belief—no matter what that belief…...

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Atheists Denounce Department of Labor’s “License to Discriminate” Directive

Washington, DC—On Friday, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a new directive giving federal contractors broad powers to discriminate under the guise of “religious freedom.”...

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Illinois: Stand Up Against State-Funded Religious Schools

Springfield, IL—Last September, Illinois lawmakers passed a voucher-like tax credit system, which provides a handout to private schools, but only if they meet state educational standards. Now, the Illinois House of Representatives is considering HB 5067, a bill which would eliminate all educational standards and requirements for religious schools, even…...

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Oklahomans: Tell Your State Reps You Oppose Religious Discrimination in Foster Care

Oklahoma City, OK—The Oklahoma State Legislature is considering new religious exceptions (SB 1140) that would allow adoption and foster care placement agencies that receive state funding to discriminate against potential foster and adoptive parents based upon their religious beliefs. For example, this bill would allow adoption and foster care placement…...

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