
In previous years, American Atheists has welcomed more than 30 exhibitors and vendors to our convention. Many of these exhibitors were non-profit organizations within the atheist and secular movement, but many others represented outside groups or businesses whose interests closely align with our own.


  • Non-profit organization (no sales, but donations / memberships are permitted) – $100
  • Exhibitor / vendor (sales of products, donations, etc. are permitted) – $150

Your registration includes: one six-foot table, two chairs, listing in the American Atheists National Convention program guide book, and as many exhibitor passes as needed. Please note that an exhibitors’ pass does not grant access to our convention hall where speakers and panels are located.

Exhibitors and vendors will be placed prominently near the plenary session hall, allowing you to interact with the nearly 1,000 atheists attending our national convention.

Exhibit slots will be granted at American Atheists’ sole discretion. If we are unable to accommodate your group, your registration fees will be promptly refunded.


  • Exhibit set up: 12:00pm to 5:00pm on Thursday, March 29, and 7:00am on Friday, March 30.
  • Exhibit hours: 8:30am to 6:00pm on Friday and Saturday, 8:30am to 1:00pm on Sunday.
  • Exhibit tear-down: All displays and exhibits must be full taken down by 4:00pm on Sunday.

All exhibitors are required to adhere to the American Atheists convention code of conduct at all times.

For more information about exhibiting at the 2018 National Convention, please contact National Program Director Nick Fish.


We are pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities for a number of events during the National Convention. Options included: Thursday’s You Can’t Explain That! Pub Quiz, coffee breaks, speaker sponsorship, and the annual comedy show. In addition, ad space in our Convention Guidebook is available.

With all sponsorship packages, groups receive prominent placement on signage at the event, multiple acknowledgments from the stage (as well as in the program), and additional benefits.

Sponsorship opportunities are very flexible, so please contact us if you have any questions or would like to inquire about sponsorship.