Action Alert

Oppose Teaching Creationism in Arkansas Schools

Arkansas lawmakers are considering an unconstitutional bill (HB 1701) that would allow creationism to be taught in place of science in Arkansas public schools. This reckless legislation has already passed the Arkansas House and has moved to the Senate Education Committee—we need your help to stop it! Government-sponsored religious teaching…...

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End Child Marriage in New York

The New York Assembly and Senate Judiciary Committees will be considering S3086/A3891, life-saving bills that would prevent children from being forced into marriage by prohibiting marriage of individuals under the age of 18. This legislation is important because, too often, marriages occur in religious sects where very young girls are…...

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Discrimination is NOT Religious Freedom — Support the Do No Harm Act!

For too long, religious exemptions have created special privileges for religious people and organizations at the federal level....

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Oppose Religious Coercion in Nebraska Public Schools!

Nebraska lawmakers are considering an unnecessary and exclusionary bill (LB 36) that will require every school classroom to have an “In God We Trust” display....

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Support Death with Dignity in Connecticut

The Connecticut Joint Public Health Committee is currently considering HB 6425, an important bill that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying....

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Support the Equality Act to Protect Civil Rights and Limit Religious Exemptions!

The Equality Act (H.R. 5) is a bill that would expand national civil rights laws by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity....

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Arkansans: Please Help Stop Dangerous Religious Exemptions in Health Care!

The Arkansas House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee is considering a bill (SB 289) that creates dangerously broad religious exemptions for health care providers, institutions, and payers (insurance and employers), allowing them to deny care based on their beliefs....

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Arizonans: Oppose Public Funding for Deceptive Religious “Pregnancy Centers!”

Arizona lawmakers are considering a controversial bill (SB 1251/HB 2404) that could hand over $3 million to religious “pregnancy centers.” This bill is moving quickly, it was already passed by committees in each chamber....

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