Action Alert

Missouri Lawmakers are Directly Attacking the Separation of Religion and Government!

On Monday, the Missouri Senate Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee will hold a hearing on HB 728, a bill specifically aimed at undermining the separation of religion and government....

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Stop Project Blitz from Pushing Bible Classes on Missouri Public Schools

The Missouri House recently passed HB 267, a bill that would encourage public schools to provide elective Christian Bible classes.Tomorrow, the Senate Education Committee will hold a hearing on this legislation....

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Protect Nevada Children from Forced Marriage

The Nevada Assembly is considering AB 139, legislation that would prevent forced child marriage by prohibiting marriage between individuals under the age of 18....

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Missouri Residents, Protect Defenders of Church/State Separation from Death Threats

As soon as today, the Missouri State House may vote on HB 728, a bill specifically aimed at undermining the separation of religion and government....

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Texas Residents: Oppose Dangerous Religious Exemptions

Today the Texas State Senate will vote on broad, poorly defined religious exceptions that would open the door to widespread discrimination. Under SB 17, any professional licensed by a state agency could discriminate or refuse to provide services based on their religious beliefs. We urgently need your help to stop this…...

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Prevent Religious Coercion in Indiana Schools

Indiana lawmakers are pushing forward legislation designed to favor Christian students by giving them school credit for attending religious education....

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Stop Religious Discrimination in Foster Care and Adoption in Tennessee

Lawmakers in Tennessee continue to push forward legislation that would allow state-funded adoption and foster care agencies to discriminate based on their religious beliefs. These bills assault everyone’s freedom of religion, and we need you help to stop them! SB 1304 would create new religious exemptions that would allow adoption…...

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Support Death with Dignity in Nevada

Lawmakers in Nevada are currently considering SB 165, important legislation that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying....

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