Action Alert

Washington Residents: Protect Children from Faith-Based Medical Neglect!

Under current law, Washington State fails to completely protect children from medical neglect. Because of religious exemption loopholes, parents and caretakers can get away with providing only prayer instead of necessary medical care to children....

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Tennessee Residents: No Religious Discrimination in Foster Care and Adoption!

Soon, if we don’t work together to stop it, state-funded adoption and foster care agencies in Tennessee will be able to discriminate against children and would-be parents—all in the name of religion....

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Act Now to Pass Death with Dignity in Maryland

Lawmakers are on the verge of making medical aid-in-dying a reality in Maryland. Now that the House bill is about to come to a vote, we need your help!...

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Action Alert: Keep Christian Propaganda out of Public Schools

Missourians, we asked you last week to write to your representatives to oppose a so-called Bible literacy bill. But Missouri lawmakers refused to listen. Now that bill and two more Bible bills are moving toward final votes in both the House and Senate....

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Action Alert: Protect Atheist Litigants from Public Harassment and Death Threats

Missouri lawmakers are currently considering HB 728, a bill specifically aimed at undermining the separation of religion and government. This misguided bill would put plaintiffs who stand up for the separation of religion and government at risk by preventing them from bringing cases anonymously....

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ACTION ALERT: Oppose Bible Classes in Missouri Public High Schools

Christian nationalists throughout the country are trying to insert religious ideology into the public education system. And they have their eyes locked on Missouri!...

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Support Death with Dignity in Maryland

Legislative committees in Maryland are currently considering HB 399/SB 311, important bills that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying....

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Ask your Representatives to Oppose Christian Nationalist State Bills!

At this very moment, Christian nationalists are charging forward with Project Blitz, a secretive state legislative campaign with the sole intent of dismantling our rights. This insidious campaign is simple but effective: introduce in as many states as possible radical bills that undermine religious equality, attack LGBTQ discrimination protections, and…...

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