Last Thursday, the Alabama legislature passed one of the worst “Bible class” bills we’ve ever seen. SB 14 not only allows public school teachers to discuss the Bible as a source of “morals” and “values,” it encourages them to teach “public policy” through a biblical lens. Can you imagine the…...
Protect Children in Nevada from Forced Marriage!
The Nevada Assembly is very close to ending forced child marriage by passing AB 139, a law that bans the practice without any exceptions. However, Governor Sisolak just indicated that he wants to add in dangerous religious and parental consent loopholes! Unfortunately, with these loopholes in place, forced child marriage…...
Puertorriqueños: ¡Actúen ahora para oponerse a excepciones religiosas peligrosas!
Legisladores en Puerto Rico pronto votarán dos proyectos de ley que crean nuevas excepciones religiosas. Primero, PS. 1253 permitirá que las organizaciones religiosas reciban fondos públicos mientras se involucran en proselitismo religioso y discriminan a las personas que no comparten sus creencias....
Texans, Stop Dangerous New Religious Exemptions
Texas lawmakers are trying to rush through terrible legislation that creates sweeping religious exemptions at every level of the Texas government before the end of session. SB 1978 would prevent the government from taking action against anyone who violates the law based on a religious belief—no matter what that belief…...