Action Alert

Put an End to Conversion Therapy in Minnesota

Minnesota lawmakers are considering HF 12, life-saving legislation that will protect LGBTQ young people in Minnesota from harmful conversion therapy. This bill will soon receive a vote in the Minnesota House. Let’s make conversion therapy a thing of the past!...

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Colorado Residents: Help End Conversion Therapy

Colorado lawmakers are close to passing HB 1129, life-saving legislation that will protect LGBTQ young people in Colorado from harmful conversion therapy. This bill has already passed the House, and it will soon receive a vote in the Senate. Let’s make conversion therapy a thing of the past! Help pass…...

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Oppose Dangerous Religious Exemptions in Washington Universities

Sometimes even well-intentioned lawmakers get it wrong, all too often with disastrous results. Washington SB 5166 is one such example. While its intention is to protect religious minorities in colleges and universities, this bill sets up a system of religious exemptions that is ripe for abuse!...

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Support Death with Dignity in Connecticut

The Connecticut Joint Public Health Committee is currently considering HB 5898, an important bill that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying. This measure would create a patient-driven system that honors the values and beliefs of the individual. By passing this legislation, Connecticut would join the 8…...

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Urgent Action Needed! Stop Discrimination Against Atheists in Iowa’s Colleges and Universities

Imagine if religious student groups in public colleges and universities could discriminate against atheists, LGBTQ people, and anyone else they dislike—all while receiving funding from the school! That could soon be a reality in Iowa if we don’t do something about it!...

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Florida Residents: Oppose Bible Classes in Public High Schools

Christian nationalists throughout the country are trying to insert religious ideology into the public education system. And they have their eyes locked on Florida! At this very moment, the Florida State House is considering H195, a bill that mandates that public schools provide elective Christian Bible courses....

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Kentucky Residents: Oppose Religious Coercion in Public Schools!

Kentucky lawmakers are close to passing a controversial bill (HB 46), which would require every public school to prominently display “In God We Trust” posters....

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Discrimination is NOT Religious Freedom — Support the Do No Harm Act!

The Do No Harm Act (H.R. 1450, S. 593) is a bill that would limit the negative impact of religious exemptions in federal law in areas such as civil rights and health care coverage....

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