Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Protect Children from Dangerous Faith Healing

Although Washington State has laws protecting children from medical neglect, certain loopholes exempt faith-healing practitioners from prosecution for child negligence and criminal mistreatment....

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Tell Lawmakers to Protect Religious Freedom

Every January 16th, Americans of all faiths and no faiths celebrate Religious Freedom Day. Unfortunately, Christian supremacists are trying to subvert the meaning of religious freedom, claiming that it only applies to them....

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ACTION ALERT: Protect Young Women from Disfiguring Religious Practices

The Ohio Legislature is considering a bill to protect girls and young women in Ohio from the gruesome and dangerous practice known as female genital mutilation (FGM). Please tell your state senator to support this crucial bill! Ohio is one of just 23 states that does not prohibit this horrible…...

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Day of Action: Stop Churches from Interfering in Our Elections

With the looming threat of a government shutdown, religious supremacists in Congress will almost certainly try to sneak a repeal of the Johnson Amendment into the spending bill that will keep the government open....

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ACTION ALERT: We can’t allow the Catholic Church to cover up child abuse

The Catholic Church is once again in the news in for its systemic, repeated sexual abuse of hundreds of Pennsylvania children....

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ACTION ALERT: Oppose Religious Discrimination in Foster Care

Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee inserted a poison-pill amendment into the Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Bill. If passed, this amendment would require states to allow taxpayer-funded foster care and adoption providers to discriminate on the basis of their religion and cut child welfare funding for states that refuse to…...

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Oppose the Domestic Gag Rule

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed new rules which would ban health care professionals that receive federal funds from providing full and accurate medical information about abortion services....

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Keep coercive prayer out of public schools!

Baton Rouge, LA—On Tuesday, the Louisiana House Committee on Education will hear two bills which would allow teachers and students to pray together in public schools....

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