Action Alert

Tell Congress to Protect Church/State Separation in Senate COVID Relief Bill!

Congress is considering coronavirus relief bills to provide much-needed funds for businesses, schools, and unemployment programs during this pandemic....

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Stop the DeVos Agenda of Diverting Funds to Religious Schools

Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is at it again, pursuing her agenda to fund private, religious instruction at the expense of public schools....

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Bailout Loans for Religious Worship Must Be Paid Back, Not Forgiven

Outrageously, more than $7.3 billion in forgivable loans went to places of worship through the Paycheck Protection Program!...

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Oppose DeVos’s plan to use the pandemic to enrich religious schools!

Earlier this week, we asked you to reach out to your state lawmakers in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Espinoza decision and urge them to repeal any state school voucher or tax credit programs. Unfortunately, now the Trump Administration has stepped in to make the situation even worse....

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Oppose special privileges for religious activities in Ohio public schools!

The Ohio House of Representatives is close to passing HB 164, an outrageous bill that gives special privileges to religious students in public schools. The Senate already passed this bill unanimously — this may be our last chance to stop it!...

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Support Death with Dignity in Massachusetts

For the first time ever, the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health has passed H.1926/S.1208, an important bill that will allow terminally ill people to receive compassionate medical aid-in-dying....

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Tell the Government Not to Waste More Money on Abstinence-Only Education!

Washington, D.C.—The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has proposed launching a biased data collection project called IDEAS intended to generate “evidence” to support primarily religious, abstinence-only programs. ...

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Tell Lawmakers: We’re Here, We’re Atheist, and We Demand Representation!

American Atheists recently launched Reality Check: Being Nonreligious in America, a report based on the U.S. Secular Survey conducted in 2019....

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